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Matty hadn't opened any of Shea's snapchat messages, not that she expected him to anyway. Though he would probably like some warning before she came to his doorstep.

There were still mixed emotions running through Shea. On one hand, Shea was upset that Matty had believed everyone else except for her, but understood that the pictures seemed not so innocent. On the other hand, Shea loves Matty and she knows he loves her too, and she didn't want to give up on them.

Approaching the flat, nerves had fully kicked in and butterflies erupted in her stomach. She lifted up her hand and brought it down on the door, knocking two times and waiting.

Would he kick me out right away?

So many questions flew inside her mind, hardly settling her nerves as she waited for the door to open up.

When it did, there stood Matty who looked just as much of a mess than she did.

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