𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Shea sat on her bed with her hand covering her mouth, sobbing quietly as she clicked onto the article.

Three pictures sat side by side, one showing Shea upset as she exited the club. The other two showed the guy that she bumped into having a conversation with her. Just by looking at it, Shea knew they looked wrong, his face was close to her own and his hand was on her shoulder.

This is exactly what Matty meant.

The rest of the article talked some shit about how Shea kissed the man and they both got into a taxi together.

Shea felt sick to her stomach, every word in the article was a lie and the pictures had been so twisted and photoshopped. And, everybody online -including Matty believed it.

Shea was unsure about how to feel and about what to do in this moment, how do you deal with this situation? She wanted to message Matty and explain the whole situation to him about how the article is a complete lie.

But, his message hurt her. How could he believe such a thing, doesn't he trust her after knowing her for almost a year? She's the one supposed to be hurt after seeing him with that girl Gabby. ( no hate towards Gabby lol, love her )

Torn between what to do, Shea tucked her phone under the pillow and laid down. She closed her eyes and tried to go to sleep, trying to forget for now.

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