𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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"May I walk you home?" Matty asked, playing with his fingers as a nervous habit of his while the two exited the cafe together. "You don't live far?"

"You don't have to walk me home, it's okay." Shea said softly, shaking her head a tiny bit.

"Yeah, I know. But, I want too." Matty said, honesty in his voice. It was getting a little late and he didn't want Shea walking alone by herself. "I'll just get George to pick me up from yours." Matty added, Shea still staying quiet. "It'll make me feel a lot safer if I walked you home, okay?"

A light blush crept onto Shea's cheeks in which she tried to hide, biting on her lower lip before she spoke. "Okay."

With that said, the two of them began walking side by side with each other towards Shea's apartment. Almost as an instinct, Matty slipped his hand into Shea's.

"So, tell me about your band. Why did you start it?" Shea asked curiously.

"I love it. I've always loved making music, you know? writing the lyrics, figuring out the beats." Matty said, his face lighting up when he spoke. "Then I met my friends, they're all so great honestly and I can be myself around them." Shea took in the look on Matty's face, realizing just how good looking he is when he smiles.

"I can tell by the way you talk, you love it." Shea said, causing Matty to look down at her, giving her hand a light squeeze. "And, we're almost home."

Shea groaned softly, seeing her apartment building come into view. She doesn't want to leave just yet but, she knows George is waiting for him.

"I had a really great time today, I can't wait until we do it again." Matty admitted, running a hand through his dark curly hair as the two stopped walking outside of Shea's apartment.

"Oh yeah? Who says I want to see you again?" Shea teased, a smirk on her lips as Matty playfully pushed her. She laughed, stumbling slightly which caused Matty to pull her back into him so she wouldn't haven fallen.

"Come on love, I didn't shove you that hard." Matty said, holding Shea close to him. For a second he wonders if she can hear his pounding heart due to how close their bodies are together, "You're gorgeous Shea, you know that right?"

Shea didn't respond, her eyes dropping down to the ground. Matty used his index finger, lifting her chin up so she had no choice but to look at him again, to look at his face, his lips.

Without a thought, Shea leaned forward and her lips met Matty's softly. Shocked, Matty froze which caused Shea to pull away from him.

"Oh my god, Oh my. I'm such an idiot! I shouldn't have done that, i'm so sorry. I'll just go now." Shea said, turning around quickly and rummaging through her purse to find her keys in order to get into her apartment, feeling tears come along.

Before she could step inside, Matty grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him lightly, closely as he leaned down and pressed his lips to her own.

It's like the entire world had stilled.

For the two of them, they are the only two in the world right now. It's just the two of them sharing a perfect moment together.

Well, that is until George pulls up and honks his car horn loudly which caused the two of them to jump apart quickly.

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