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         "You ready, Clarke?" Liz Allen smirked up at Theo as he sat behind a desk in the auditorium, "This is a timed test that is used to simulate the actual Super Quiz, you think you're up for it?" The blonde merely rested his chin on his knuck...

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         "You ready, Clarke?" Liz Allen smirked up at Theo as he sat behind a desk in the auditorium, "This is a timed test that is used to simulate the actual Super Quiz, you think you're up for it?" The blonde merely rested his chin on his knuckles, smile on his lips, "Of course."

The test before him was daunting. There were 12 questions and he was only given 2 minutes, which meant he had 10 seconds to answer each one. Theo went through the ones that he already knew at record speed. His eyebrows scrunched together and his tongue ran across hit teeth as he concentrated on each problem. 

"Pencils up!" Liz called out as the 2-minute timer rang. He let out a breath, placing his hands on his head as Mr. Harrington graded his test. Behind him, Ty gave him a reassuring thumbs-up.

"Well, Theo," The acadec coach said as he looked over the graded test, "you certainly have some room for improvement, but you've proved that you are particularly strong in certain areas. You'll serve us well in Washington as a backup since we already replaced Peter with Flash. So just make sure you study hard and attend every meeting since you're a new member." Theo's face broke out into a grin. Ty ran up to him and shook him by the shoulders, congratulating him ecstatically. 

"Okay, Ty. You know what this means," Theo said, turning to face his friend, "you've got to help me study."

The smile on his face immediately disappeared, "But whyyy?" 

"Because you're in acadec too, and your strong suit is science, which I suck at. Come on! You were going to help me get sorted with bio anyway," Theo said matter-of-factly. Ty put up a strong fight, but he couldn't resist Theo's pitiful pleas.

"Fine, you overgrown baby. Ned and I were planning on meeting at Peter's next Monday to do our project. I'll ask if you can come too and we can make it a study day," Tyler finally gave in as they walked out of the auditorium. Theo's eyebrows raised in slight surprise.

"Why are you meeting at Peter's? I thought he had a different partner?" 

"Um, I think he finished the whole project already. And Ned said that he had to do something with him anyway so we just all decided to meet up."

"...How is it that he finished this project and you haven't even started?" 

 Ty scowled as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "This is Peter Parker you're talking about. He's like the best in our class."

"Wow, that doesn't bode well for you, my friend. Especially when you're both going after Liz Allen."

"Are you serious? He doesn't stand a chance against me!" Ty puffed out his chest and straightened his back. Theo glanced at his friend's shabby appearance and rolled his eyes, "Yeah. He's nothing compared to you, Tyler Wood. It's not like he's the smartest person ever, apparently has a bloody internship with Tony Stark, and knows Spiderman." Ty pinched Theo's bicep hard. 

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