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     A thick silence fell upon them

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     A thick silence fell upon them. Each of them was feeling a wide range of emotions, from fear to confusion, to excitement, to surprise, to betrayal, to guilt. Peter's fists clenched and unclenched as he berated himself for letting three more people discover his secret.

"I-I can explain," He began nervously, but the small girl in front of him spoke first. "ARE YOU SPIDE-" Peter leaped forward and covered her mouth with his large hand, his face full of absolute panic.

"No! No, I'm not!" He tried to reason just as he did when Ned first found out, "Why are you guys back here?!"

"I forgot my coat!" Bianca explained, her voice muffled as she pointed at the bright pink jacket draped over Peter's chair.

Ned stood abruptly, "I-it's not what it looks like guys! It's a-a fake mask! And Peter w-was, um..." His eyes darted around nervously.

Ty took a quick glance at the blonde standing beside him. His mouth opened, but no words came out. Theo was in absolute shock. Peter Parker, the shy, nerdy boy he'd become close friends with in these past couple weeks, was the friendly neighborhood Spiderman. The one who saved his sister. The one who had been unknowingly chasing him down for the last couple of years. The one he clung onto as they chased the blue explosion during Liz's party. The one who probably wouldn't hesitate to throw him in jail if he could.

The same fear he'd felt when Franky told him to stay away from Spiderman engulfed him once more, and he couldn't help but take a step backward. Ty reached out and gripped his wrist as if he felt the spike in Theo's anxiety as well.

"Woah, I can't believe you're Spiderman!" Bia was saying in a hushed voice, "You saved me, remember? That was you the whole time?"

Peter was frantically looking between Ned and the three shocked faces in front of him. A migraine was starting to build up in his head as he tried to decide what to do.

"Okay, okay! I'm Spiderman!" He admitted, his voice very shaky and high-pitched, "It was me. The whole time."

Theo wanted to throw up. His friend was Spiderman. Bloody hell, he's Spiderman.

"I was bitten by a radioactive spider. That's how I got my powers. And then Tony Stark came to me, and that's what the Stark Internship is!"

If Peter knew about Theo's secret, he'd throw him in jail. He'd lose Ned, he'd lose Ty, he'd lose his siblings. He'd lose everything.

"And for two years now, I-I've been trying to save people the best that I can. That's why I make you guys leave at 6, s-so I can patrol! And there have been these guys that have been selling alien guns, and Ned and I have been trying to track them down-" 

Oh God, Theo had completely forgotten about that. He can't do this anymore, he can't be with Peter anymore. He's a bank robber, basically a fugitive, and his friend was a superhero. If he'd let his guard down for a minute, his identity could be exposed.

𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 ↝ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now