Growing up...

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Lily and James gave all their attention to Daniel growing up.

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Whenever it was their birthday, they would only celebrate Daniel's. When it was christmas he would be the only one to get gifts. At dinner, he would get all the food while he had all the leftovers. It was Daniel who was constantly bullying him with that stupid Ronald and Hermonie. A blood tratior and a Mudblood.

The house elves really were his only family.

Most of the times he would be found in the library reading every single book there.

Or of course practicing magic.

He himself could do powerful wandless and wordless magic. While Daniel got an wand at the age of four and hasen't even been able to perform the charm to unlock doors.

When Hadrian showed his parents his magic, Daniel would cry and James would slap Hadrian hard, saying that if he did that in front of Daniel, he would make Daniel cry and give up. And that it'd be his fault if the dark lord took over.

After those inccidents, Hadrian was never found again anywhere near his parents. The only times he went near them was for the leftover dinner and passing them in the halls. He would also have to do his own laundry as Lily didn't remember him.

Hadrian had now taught himself how to perfrom year seven at hogwarts magic at the age of eight. Of course no one knew, but they sensed a powerful aura in the house and guessed it was Daniel.

Daniel was chuby, small, and looked nothing like James. He had greasy red hair, and poop colour eyes. He looked disgusting. While that happened, people dressed up as Daniel, it was gross.

Though, no one knew about him, those who did would fear him around the age of nine, where he became emotionless and mute, due to the fact that Daniel, James and lily, including other people would torment him, abuse him, neglect him! 

He used his glare to scare people off. Usaully you can read a persons face, even if they are emotionless. But with Hadrians face. It was an complete enigma.

Hadrian was always sick, and hungry. The house elves did everything for him and he promised every one of them that when he was owner of this house, he would keep every single one of them.

 The house elves did everything for him and he promised every one of them that when he was owner of this house, he would keep every single one of them

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When they got their Hogwarts letters at age eleven, he didn't want to go. He wasen't about to have the whole school torment him...

That was the exact moment an elabrite letter dropped into my hands.

It was adressed to 'Hadrian James Potter. Potter Manor, top room on the second tower, north side. From Foxfire, school for those who are misunderstood, and powerful'

Hadrian grinned, he was accepted to a better school then his brother. And he started packing his things, finally showing an emotion.

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