What a suprise.

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When Hadrian woke up, he knew that he had gone through the terrible and teteris creature inheritence.


His white angel wings lay beside him in his bed. They seemed to sparkle.

But he could just ignore the agonizing pain of the touch. Whenever they touched something hard, they would sting. It was like you had an open wound, and a grain of salt kept on touching it.

But there was nothing he could do.

That was when he heard a slight gasp at the door.

It was the one and only... Neville Longbottem.

"H-hadrian...?" He sputtered.

Hadrian panicked. Alarmed, he all of a sudden pulled the blackents up. Wincing in pain as they touched his wings.

"Th-these are cos-cosplay! I-I went to a-"

"You know how much trouble we could cause with those wings!" Neville all of a sudden spilled out.

Hadrian was confused. He tilted his head in confusion. "W-what?"

Neville out his hands on his hips." You don't need to hide it you know. I heard you're heavy breathing last night. You're... wings though. There sensitive right?"

How did Neville know all this? Was he also an Arcangel?

"I get what you're thinking. You're eyes say it all. No, I'm not what creature you are. But I have wings. I'm what you call a demon. A low ranking one."

"Well, don't demons hate creatures on the light side?" Hadrian asked. Preparing to use his magic.

"Yup, that's the only truth! Although that is the case, I'd perfer not to ket expelled from this school. If that's uncommon, well then... lucky me." Neville continued to talk, even after Hadrian got out of his bed. "I'm guessing you don't know much about you're creature right? Or should I even call you one?"

Hadrian was astonished at how much Nevile knew about him. So he decided to answer back. "I'm an Arcangel, dosen't that make me you're worst enemy?" He asked, sitting straight up on the side of his bed.

Neville smiled. "You're right about that. But what you're missing are the facts. Do you know what kind of Arcangel you are?"

Hadrian stayed in silence. Obviously meaning he didn't know.

"You're all of them." Neville said, earning a shocked face from Hadrian.

He tilted his head in suprise. How was he all of them! He didn't even know who the others were! So... he was a demonic arcangel.. an fallen arcangel.. and a purity arcangel?

"I know you're smart, so you'd know. But the reason why I'm not trying to kill you currantly, is because... you're the strongest being on this planet."

And he said all that without laughing. What on earth was happening?

"When you say it like that, I don't believe you." 

"I didn't expect you to. But on to my main point!" 

Hadrian waited for Nevilles next scheme.

"The world wide Lodestar tournement is coming up soon!" He said excitedly. "And I was wondering... since you're jerk brother is there..."

Hadrian understood every word Neville was saying.

"If it involves Daniel.. then I'm going all out..." He said with a grin.

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