Everyone Has A Reason

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During the time I wasn't enrolled in school, I spent most of my days reading--- or practicing magic.

Of course, it had it's downfalls.

Since children don't practice magic, they never knew about the realm of disasters. A realm full of monsters and you're darkest and most sinister fear.

The reason why teens and adults don't get affect is because people are too arrogant these days. The realm of disasters is inly open for those who have faced and come through the darkest moments of their miserble lives.

Like the fact Hadrian isn't even his name for one. And how.. Lily and James wern't his parents. It was all laughable now.

And the adventure it took to understand what love feels like, without feeling it yourself.

The Realm Of Disasters Arc Starts Now!

My head fealt like hell, and my body... well it was horrible. Being the tattered little boy I was, it was easy to forget to eat.

This place.. it seemed familiar. Maybe I read it in a book somewhere. No.. it must just be my imagination.

Hadrian tried pinching himself. There was nothing.

"Dammit! How did me, a seven year old boy, get stuck inside this.. void!" He said, looking around him.

"Hush little one.." A deep voice said. It was comforting, but also frightening at the same time.

"Who's there." Hadrian said, looking around him. His face emotionless.

A dark shadow appeared out of no where, it's face unknown to all.

"You're... quite a poor thing.." The deep voice said. This time, Hadrian heard the emotion in the shadow's voice.

"Well then, have you come and take me away just to show pity on me?" He asked, a shadow covering his eyes.

"Call me.. death." 

Hadrian raised his eyebrows. "Death? Did I really die of starvation? How awful." He said sarcasticly. Though the tone in his voice sounded happy.

"You've never been loved have you?" Death asked, place one of his shadows on the boy's head, patting it.

"Well, there are different types of love. Which one do you mean?" Hadrian asked.

The dark shadow lifted the shadow on his head. "Let me repeat that again. You've never been.. loved." 

The boy smiled. "How did you know! I've never had contact with anyone from the outskde world so.. you must be a telepath!" Hadrian laughed. Remembering the darkness and sorrow he had been putting away. 


"Boy.. all you've ever known is hate.. so.. why hide it?" Death asked, surrounding him.

Hadrian closed his eyes and bent his leg. "Let me think about that.. right! Because no one gives a damm about me! And did I mention, my parents aren't even aware of my existence! Now you ask me to tell them? I thought death was.. deadly.."

Death laughed. "Although I am the one and only death, dosen't mean I'm cruel.." He turned around to look at Hadrian. "This is why.. I'm offering you.. love."

The Realm Of Disasters Arc Ends Now!

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