A new light

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As Proffesor talked, explaining useless facts about the history of muggles, Hadrian looked out the window.

Two days ago, he went through the most painful feeling... ever.

No one had ever seen an arcangel, so he didn't know what he was until he read a legend, told by a man named Adam.

Here is what he said.

'As the first humans walk on earth, so do the magicial beings. These magicial beings have a choice... either to create peace and harmony, or complete distruction. These four were named, Belil, Mael, Elizibeth, and Meliodas. The four of them worked together to use their infinite power to cteate light. But nothing always goes right. A new era came, and came the rise of the supreme deity and the demon king.. the demon king hated the arcangels, as they spread light in the world that he thought should be dark and distructive. He captured Meliodas, and turned him into a demonic arcangel. Belil had always been by Meliodas's side, so when he turned on Elizibeth and Mael, Belil turned into a fallen angel. But little did the demon king know, Meliodas was the most powerful being at the time. He had a little control, enough so he could keep his secret love with Elizibeth alive. Slowly, Meliodas started to take control again. And he and Elizibeth, shared love. When the baby was born, a new era rised. The baby was the fifth arcangel. Both demonic and light. Soon, the great Liones war broke out... and Meliodas was once again controled by The demon king. No one knows how the war ended, and no one knew where the baby went... but we do know... that we are in the fifth era... the era of distruction..'

Little did people know..

This was all fake.


Sorry I haven't posted for like a month! (And the incredibly short chapter)

But, I've been dealing with some problems, mentally and haven't been so well. But enjoy the chapter, because it might be the only chaoter coming out for a month or two.

Sorry again, but don't feel pity on me for the problem! I'm so much better now!

Word count: 345

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