The Devil girl

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A/N So I wrote this story all the way back in 2013 or 2014 or something I can't even remember. I don't really use Wattpad anymore but I left this story up. After getting so many comments about spellings errors and just all that, now in 2019 I have decided to give this a bit of an edit so hopefully it's neatened up if you are reading this now. Thanks!

The guild was bustling, loud noise echoing all around as Lucy sat, chatting lively with Levy about the new book she had been reading.

"So who's your favourite character?" Levy asked Lucy her eyes gleaming. Lucy allowed herself to rock backward on her chair, bringing a hand up to her chin, thinking for a second her mouth open slightly before replying.

"Hmmm well, I would definitely have to say Leo Valdez, always Team Leo!" Lucy grinned pumping her fist in the air. Levy just smirked at Lucy as she kicked back leaning on her arm.

"Oh yeah, he has fire magic, doesn't he? Of course like our little fire dragon slayer, we have." Lucy blushed red as she felt her face heat up.  

"Hey, I bet you wish he had Iron magic just like someone else we know." Lucy wiggled her eyebrows watching Levy turn bright red and into a stuttering mess.

"Well, at least I can admit I like Gajeel, we all see you and Natsu dancing around each other and your feelings!" Lucy's face went a deep colour that could rival Erza's hair spluttering out.

"Don't make assumptions!". As if on cue there was a loud crash, Natsu appearing from out of nowhere behind them with Gajeel standing behind him. Natsu glanced at Lucy asking.

"Hey, how come you girls are bright red, are you sick, do you have a fever?" Gajeel looked at Levy and said.

"Hey Shrimp you seem a bit red, what's the matter?" Levy and Lucy both squealed and Lucy quickly answered.

"Sorry we aren't sick we were just about to go to Mira now for a drink, I'll talk to you later." Lucy and Levy both quickly stood up and walked away to the bar to talk to Mira. Natsu looked at Gajeel and said

"What do you think they were blushing about?" Gajeel shook his head and said.

"They're girls, I don't think we will ever know.".

Lucy was on her bed reading a book, she was so invested she didn't notice Natsu creeping through the window, he placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder making her squeal and turned around to hit the person there. She sighed when she saw it was just Natsu and said.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Natsu grinned at her and said sheepishly.

"Sorry about that Luce." Lucy sighed and sat down on her bed putting a hand to her beating heart. Suddenly there was a shift in the air and she swore felt someone's presence in the room. Natsu seemed to notice as well, and suddenly sniffed the air around them. 

"Hey Luce, is anyone in here?" Lucy shook her head.

"It's probably nothing, anyway what are you doing here?" she moved up so that she was now facing Natsu who scratched the back of his head, letting out a nervous laugh. 

"Ummm, well, this thing is, Happy was hungry so I thought maybe you would let us have some food." he finished his sentence looking slightly away from Lucy, as if expecting her to Lucy kick him out the door. Lucy just rolled her eyes, she should have guessed. She stood up dusting herself off, Natsu looking at her, his eyes seemingly hopeful. She put her hands on her hips, staring at him bluntly. 

"No." Natsu pouted and said.

"Pweaaaaaaaaaase" he used his puppy eyes but Lucy knew better and turned her head away.

"I told you already, no" Natsu followed Lucy's head around, staying in her vision begging until Lucy finally gave up and sighed.

"Fine, I have some biscuits in the cupboard" Natsu grinned widely.

"Thanks Luce!" Lucy rolled her eyes and laid back on her bed, she could still feel a presence watching her, she rolled onto the side of the bed looking at Natsu who was busy rummaging through her kitchen. She shut the door before she began to recite something.

"For the devil am I, show me what I am.". As quick as a flash a red highlight streaked through her hair, one of her eyes turning a deep shade of red and a tail curling out from behind her, a point at the end. She felt the presence around her growing stronger and she narrowed her eyes.

"Not now." Closing her eyes again she whispered a spell.

"For thee in thy space, be gone." There was a pulse around the room as the words left her mouth and the presence Lucy felt disappeared. She sighed, opening her eyes and looking around the room, she hadn't felt that presence in a very long time, so why now? Quickly Lucy recited another spell.

"For identity we want, a human is lent."  There was a flash and Lucy stood there back to normal before Natsu came back. He walked into the room looked around before looking at Lucy and said

"Hey Luce are you ok, I felt something off around here" Lucy shook her head and said

"I didn't feel anything, it might have been your imagination" Natsu frowned, his eyes scanning the room, taking a look around, seemingly unsure.

"Maybe..." He shook his head, his mood quickly changed to something more upbeat and said.

"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow" Lucy smiled nodding her head. 

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" Natsu waved and jumped out the window, Lucy sighed at his antics gesturing towards the door. 

"I still have a door". She looked out the window seeing Natsu was gone before letting out a deep breath. She walked over to her bed reaching under, she pulled out a beautiful chest, intricate designs all along it. She grabbed hold of a needle before quickly pricking her finger. She gently picked up the lock, wiping some of her blood on it, and with a click it unlocked allowing her to open it up.  She reached in and carefully took out a tiara, it was silver with black and red jewels in the middle, it was beautiful, delicate, something every girl dreamed but for Lucy, it was something that she hated, it defined her as something she never had a choice in, it marked her for someone she didn't want to be, it made her the princess of hell.

The Devil Princess {Nalu Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now