Uncle Seiji

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Lucy sat on her bed, she couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she had with Natsu, she lay on her bed, and covered her face with her pillow and closed her eyes and thought, did he really mean it, Lucy shook her head and stood up and walked to her bathroom and splashed water on her face and said to herself

"I'm the princess of Hell, I can do anything, I'm not afraid, right?" she walked out when suddenly she heard a sound, Lucy froze and went into devil mode but it didn't work, she panicked and tried again, chanting the spell, she slammed her hand on her bed and said

"Why isn't it working?" suddenly she felt someone throw her against the door and attack her, she tried to run but she couldn't she whispered meekly.


Natsu was walking past with Happy, Happy was talking about the sort of fish he had eaten and Natsu was trying to figure out if they were going to fish or go to Lucy's house, as they walked past Lucy's house Natsu heard a crash, he sniffed and he smelt blood, not anyone's blood, Lucy's blood Natsu immediately went into action mode.

"Happy, go back home I'll meet you there" Happy nodded, unsure why but the look in Natsu's eye told him otherwise, and flew away Natsu ran towards Lucy's house, he barged into her window and saw her in the corner, she was in the corner, her leg was bleeding and she was trying to get away from something, Natsu ran over as quick as he could and helped Lucy up, he grabbed her and looked around for what was attacking Lucy, sniffing the air.

"Luce, are you ok?" Lucy looked at him and said.

"Why can't I turn into the devil, why doesn't it work" Natsu looked at her and saw a look in her eyes he never wanted to see, she was scared. Natsu held Lucy close, she was shaking, crying and weeping, Natsu hated it, he was going to kill whoever did this to her, suddenly Natsu smelt something, another person in the room, suddenly Lucy was jerked backward and she floated in mid-air and suddenly a man appeared there, holding her up by her hand, Natsu jumped up and snarled.

"Who are you, get away from Luce!" the man laughed and Lucy slowly looked up at him, her eyes widened and she screamed

"GET AWAY, PLEASE GO AWAY" Natsu couldn't stand there and do nothing so he jumped up and kicked the man of Lucy, he glared, his eyes glowing, and growled

"No one hurts Luce, and anyone who does will pay" the man smirked as Natsu's hands lit up and he said.

"Slow down there little dragon slayer, I'll just leave now but you know, take care of your little girlfriend, I don't know how long she'll last" Suddenly the man disappeared and everything went silent.

Natsu ran over to Lucy and hugged her, trying to calm her down but she kept kicking and screaming and crying, Natsu was getting scared, what was wrong with Lucy, she was a mess, she was still sobbing and Natsu sighed and said

"Here goes nothing" Natsu grabbed Lucy by the shoulders and pressed his lips onto hers, Lucy's wailing almost immediately stopped and she moved closer and wrapped her arms around his neck and sat on his lap, still kissing him, eventually Natsu pulled back and pulled her into a hug and said

"Luce, what the hell just happened?." Lucy just shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" They stayed like that and eventually Lucy fell asleep from exhaustion and Natsu quietly put her on the bed, he then sat down on a chair and watched her sleep, after what happened there was no way he was leaving her side again. Happy suddenly flew in and was about to say something but Natsu quickly grabbed Happy and shushed him Happy looked over and saw Lucy and said

"You llllllike her" Natsu blushed but leaned back in the chair, watching over her, she looked so peaceful sleeping.

"Yeah, I do Happy, I do" Happy stared at Natsu, he never had an answer like that before, suddenly he yawned.

"Aye sir, well good night Natsu" Natsu smiled at Happy and said

"Yeah good night" Happy immediately flew over to Lucy went under the covers and snuggled into her chest Lucy smiled and pulled Happy closer both of them falling asleep together, Natsu smiled at them then walked to the window and said
"Don't worry Luce, I'll protect you, I won't let anyone else hurt you, I'll never leave you"

Lucy slowly opened her eyes and noticed she was holding Happy, she slowly looked over and saw Natsu sleeping peacefully in her chair, she was about to shout but she remembered what had happened and she gasped, she looked over again at Natsu and relaxed, she knew he would protect her, she went to move but pain suddenly shot out of her leg and she gave a yelp, Happy didn't stir but Natsu's eyes opened immediately and he was over by Lucy's bed.

"Are you ok Luce?" Lucy smiled and said

"Sorry, did I wake you" Natsu smiled and said

"Nah it's fine, I woke up a while ago actually" Lucy smiled and moved to stand up but another pain shot through her leg, and fell onto the ground again, Natsu quickly hopped up and ran towards her helping her up and said

"Hey Luce are you ok?" Lucy winced and said

"Yeah I'm fine except my leg hurts a bit" Natsu quickly turned Lucy over and winced, her leg had a large cut down the middle and it seemed to of soaked into the covers overnight, how had he missed it, Natsu slammed his hand down onto the ground.

"How did I miss that, I remembered smelling blood but I forgot completely, ughh I am such an idiot!" Lucy smiled and said

"Natsu, it wasn't your fault" Natsu nodded and said

"I'll go get Wendy" he started to leave but Lucy grabbed him and said

"No Natsu, Wendy doesn't need to know, she is still young I don't want her involved, it'll heal by itself just grab one of the bandages from the cupboard in the kitchen" Natsu hesitated but walked over to her kitchen and grabbed the bandages and walked over to Lucy and said

"Stay still alright" Natsu got the bandage and wrapped it around then using one of the clips to clip it together, he sighed sitting up.

"All right, now Luce I need you to tell me who that guy was." Lucy looked up at the sky.

"Alright but I won't repeat it twice" Natsu nodded and Lucy began "he is my Uncle, his name is Seiji, he used to look after me when my dad was out, but he wouldn't really look after me, he would really actually always hit me and hurt me, I guys you guys call it abusing, he would look after my while my dad was out for ages, it felt like torture, one day though, he was looking after me and his wife had just died and he was depressed so he let out his anger on me, it was really bad but he then grabbed all my precious items and threw them at me, I had to watch all the items that I had break while falling on me, but I had this one thing, it was from my past life, it was a beautiful red necklace with a fire symbol on it, it was given to me by the boy I liked, it was really precious to me so when he went to throw I ran at him and stopped him, he must of figured out if was that precious to me so he threw me against the wall and made me sit there watching him melt it in his hands, he then tortured and hurt me more" Lucy was sobbing at this point, she then looked to Natsu and cried louder and said.

"I almost died, even devils can die and if you do die from violence you disappear and everyone forgets about you, I don't want to die, please Natsu, I don't want to go" Natsu was shocked, but as he processed everything he had the urge to find this Seiji guy and destroy him, to rip him apart and tear out his limbs and body, he felt Lucy shaking beside him and his fantasizing about killing her Uncle disappeared and he reached out and hugged Lucy pulling her close, he whispered in her hair and said.

"I'm sorry Luce, I promise, I'll protect you from all of them" By this time Happy had woken up and was sobbing hugging Lucy, Lucy then whispered into Natsu's neck, making him shiver

"Please don't tell anyone about this, please Natsu please" Natsu sighed and said

"Yeah Luce, I promise" Lucy nodded and closed her eyes, her breathing steadied, Natsu smiled and Happy said

"You llllllike her" Natsu looked at Happy and said

"Haven't I already told you, I don't like Luce, I really love her" Happy smiled and said

"Aye Natsu!" Natsu smiled and said

"I think we are going to be staying here for a little while, just until all this passes alright" Happy nodded already half asleep, and said tiredly

"Aye, Sir" 

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