Task Five: Scores and Voting

65 4 5


Fire Male: Epping Collin: 10

Earth Male: Randy Barrett: 10 

Air Female: Ilsa Rose: 13 (-2)

Mind Male: Jensen Sanders: 10 (-1)

Mind Female: Lydia D'Norse: 0

Male Fighter 1: Cassidy Quinn: 9

Female Fighter 4: Iberia Fairbain: Gone (-2)

Male Fighter 5: Kane Anderson: 0 (-2)

Female Fighter 6: Alodia Caro: 9 (-2)

Female Fighter 10: Amphi Khios: 10


1) Amphi Khios: 51

2) Alodia Caro: 48

3) Randy Barrett: 42

4) Cassidy Quinn: 41

5) Ilsa Rose: 39

6) Lydia D'Norse: 36

7) Epping Collin: 35

8) Jensen Sanders: 28 

8) Kane Anderson: 28


Since Iberia has dropped out, only one person will be eliminted(: The people up for votes are:

 Kane Anderson 

Lydia D'Norse

Please vote for ONE person. Do not vote for yourself. They will be the one to move on to the next task. Voting will close tomorrow at 5 pm EST/10pm GMT PM ALL VOTES.

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