2: Headstart

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  {Just had to go back and edit my first cringey two parts of this story so the indents would match up well and not like they were before. Eww...}

  {Also idk a lot about Cincinnati so if I mess up some of the culture of anything like that then I'm sorry}


~early December~

  Bright colors from bright lights. The city of Cincinnati was alive late at night with a slight snowfall. It was Christmas in a few weeks after all, so this was the perfect start to the holiday. There was a lovely view to the South side of Cincinnati right beside the John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge, with all the fancy lights shining into the river down below it. How peaceful.

  "Hey buddy, you gonna move at all?" A man barked out, pulling Wilford, our main character, out of his daze. He looked at the police officer who sharply spoke to him and gave a light smile.

  "Sorry officer, it's just the city is so beautiful from far away," Will explained, then sighed, "but I guess I should get going. Have a good Christmas sir!" Just like that, Wilford was off, the officer left to just stare at him as he went off.

  Honestly, he had no idea what he was doing in Cincinnati or where he was gonna go, he had no where to stay or any plans. He had been traveling the country of America for a few months now and hitting up the local disco clubs wherever he went. It was fun for him to do and a good way to get his mind off of certain things.

  He walked on the side of the road for a bit until he crossed and headed more into the northern side of the city to explore. There were restaurants and shops and many other things of the sort lighting up the street. Wilford turned a few corners and ended up at a roller skating rink that was a disco club for the night.

  "I mean, I could go for one more dance..." He  contemplated, then headed inside the rink. There was a golden glistening curtain right in front of the door as soon as he stepped in, by which he pulled back and revealed to himself a colorful world of people having fun. The rink was packed with different types of people and the stage had a disco band on it. Will smiled at the sight, then slipped in to the party.

  His own little tour around was definitely interesting, getting shoved around in the mosh pit on the floor then getting out of the pit only to realize he was in the back corner of the room. This time he decided he'd circle around the pack of people and head to what looked like a sign up sheet to go up on stage and become the main attraction for a few minutes. He took long strides over to the table and slammed his hands down in front of the bored looking men running it.

  "So," he started, "how much do I have to pay to perform on stage?" He asked, the two men looking at the strange guy in confusion and horror.

  "Only $1 a minute, sir.." one of the guys spoke out, holding up his index finger to show a one to Will. Wilford nodded and quickly picked up one of the papers off the table then scribbled down his information to go on stage.

  He slid his paper in between the guys, "I need to get changed into a more...suitable outfit," he said, turning and heading off to find the bathrooms, "call out my name when it's my turn."

  The workers looked at each other, then back down at the paper to read what the man had written. There wasn't too much that he out down, just all the basic stuff and some really cryptic and dark writing but besides that it was fine. Strange people in this world, they both agreed amongst themselves.

  Just as a few minutes went by, Wilford came out of the bathroom in his new disco attire, pink silk button down shirt and light yellow jeans to compliment. A pink afro wig was also placed upon his head to go with the disco vibe floating around. He had this outfit in his bookbag he had been walking around with all day just in case he did stop by a disco club and decided to party. If anyone was neatly prepared for something, it was him.

  Strutting up to the front of the rink, Will pushed some of his raven hair out of his face and into his wig. He blended in with the crowd of people and started to dance, feeling the rhythm of the music and letting it move him. His dancing was so in sync with the music and his movements were so smooth, some people couldn't help but watch him and cheer him on. This was his prime moment, being in a building full of strangers who all had one thing in common: disco. Disco brought them all together and made them share some laughs and get out of their comfort zone. To be honest, disco was one of the things Wilford cherished a lot in his life since he could just let go and forget about everything for a while and just enjoy the small moment.

  Soon enough he had everyone in the room cheering each other on and just dancing however they felt like, some people trying to copy Wilford's moves. Many people were shouting the lyrics to the songs playing and throwing down to the beat. There was so much joy being spread around the somewhat short rink that Will almost forgot he signed up to perform a disco act on the stage.

  "Next up, we'll be having Wilford 'Motherloving' Warfstache dance for us!" The announcer called out, casing Will to snap out of his trace and look up at the stage. He smirked and sauntered up to the stairs to get on the stage.

  He grabbed the microphone and started to speak. "Hey everyone!" Wilford called out, which the crowd roared with excitement in response.

  "So...I really don't know what I'm gonna do for you all," Will chucked to himself, "But for tonight, how about we just have a little fun?" He asked with enthusiasm, the disco folks getting hyped for this next show. The music kicked in and everyone started to dance, Wilford starting out his improvised dance.

  At least that's how he thought the night would end up.


{Aaaand insert the rest of Wilford Motherloving Warfstache. I wasn't planning on tying this chapter into that video but I though it would be easier for me to do and plus save me some time figuring out the rest of this story's plot and points leading up to it. Hope it was good, I enjoyed writing it and hopefully I can get out another chapter for this story soon. See ya!!}

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