3: Sightseeing

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  The next morning was cold and more snow had fallen on the ground. Wilford was on his way out of a thrift store and walking out onto the streets of Cincinnati. They were busy as always, people going to work, people just arriving home from a long night's drive, wherever and whatever.

  The city lights were still on but becoming more dull because it was dawn. Of course they were still pretty but not as pretty as at night. As he was observing all the lights and traffic, Will accidentally bumped into someone walking past him. They both stumbled back a bit at the sudden hit, but nothing too bad was done.

  "I'm so sorry sir!" The person he bumped into said quickly, "I should really pay attention to where I'm going.." Wilford blinked a few times and looked at the person, who looked almost like...him?

  "No no, it was my mistake. I was distracted on everything else and not where I was going." Will said quickly, giving himself time to study this man more. He had the exact same haircut as him and same brown eyes. His trench coat was tan and long on him, going down to his kneecaps. In his arms were books and writing utensils. Interesting man.

  As he scurried past, Will put his hand on his shoulder and studdered out, "Wait!" The man turned around to look at Will, confused at what he wanted.

  "Um...what's your name?" He asked, not really knowing for sure if his question was good enough to stop this probably busy man on his way to work.

  "Oh, my name's Arthur, but a lot of my friends call me Author since.." He held up his books and pencils, indicating that he writes for a living. "And you are...?"

  "I'm Wilford, Wilford Warfstache," He answered, kind of surprised he got two answers in one question. "My...acquaintances call me Will."

  "Interesting name, never heard of that one before," Arthur said, looking at Will's somewhat nervous face. This felt like the time to leave, so he  waved bye to his new acquaintance. "Hopefully the world will let us reunite again sometime soon, Mr. Warfstache."

  Will snapped out of his small daze and waved bye as well, watching as Arthur went on his way down the sidewalk. He was interested in Arthur, someone so different than hi yet looking almost the same. Same face shape, same eye color (even more beautiful that Will's own eyes), same hair style and color, same skin tone, everything. The main differences between them were that Arthur was probably an inch taller (might've been his shoes, he was wearing some tennis shoes with a thick sole), different hobbies, different style of clothing, and Will had a mustache that was turning pink at the tips. Hopefully the world would let then unite again soon, hopefully he could find out more about his strange twin.

  A crack of thunder erupted over head, which caused Wilford to come back to reality and rush to where he wanted to go next: a restaurant. He had been walking around this city for almost two hours now and still had gotten nothing to eat. A breakfast joint would be fine for him, anywhere would be fine for him. As long as there was food, he would be fine.

  After stumbling around the city, he finally stopped at a Chick-fil-A {idk if Chick-fil-A was in Cincinnati at the time but I do know that it was established back in 1946}. He headed inside the building to get some coverage from the rain that had started up not too long ago. The building wasn't super busy but people were still hustling around to get food or get out of the place. Will had placed his order and found a table to sit at, a table right beside a window so he could look out at the road.

  Wilford watched everything go past the Chick-fil-A while he had his lunch, everything doing as it should. People heading up and down the sidewalk, cars bustling to and from wherever. The only thing that was somewhat different was the rain.

  One thing struck him, though, while he was in his little daze. Arthur. Where was he now? Did he make it back to his home before the rain got to him? Will they ever meet again?

  Arthur was an interesting man to Wilford, he wanted to learn more about him. He wished he had talked longer to him, but he seemed busy. Maybe soon they'll see each other again.

  Once the rain had started to calm down Wilford headed back out into the city streets and made a beeline for his apartment he recently invested in. Today was a good day for him to relax since tomorrow he was going to apply for a job at a nearby radio station. Cincinnati had started to grow on him and with his new living space he needed some cash to pay it off.

  His apartment wasn't as far away as he thought it was, and luckily there wasn't too many cars in the parking lot. The building would be more silent than it normally is whenever he gets back, which is better than having it be disruptive. Wilford checked in and took the elevator up to the third floor, the went right down the hallway to his room. After breaking in and switching on the light, Will had dressed in a more comfy attire and sat on his couch.

  The rest of his day was peaceful, spending it watching M*A*S*H and thinking about things that happened that day. One of the main things on his mind was Arthur, but he didn't know why. He thought about him a lot ever since he saw the taller male, but now he couldn't get him off his mind. Maybe tomorrow he would have something to get his mind off of his new acquaintance.

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