Ch. 15

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Chapter 15

I walk into the familiar chatter filled space of UMC. A taste of crisp chill slips through the sliding doors as they open and close, letting grief and hope come and go in the form of family and friends. Despite the dreary atmosphere, the mere sight of gauze was enough to send waves of revitalizing blood rushing through my veins.

I scan the room, hoping to pick up where I left off with Noah. Camry's graceful laughter clogs the air and my eyes follow her voice. Noah laughs at something she says, his eyes crinkling as he does so, her eyes brimming with utter endearment.

I groan, slipping into a seat far away from the sickening coquetry.

Those two? Please.

Not that I care anyways. I don't have the will to play house, but Camry could go all night if she had to. Memories of them wooing Jordan together while I hid in the background wash back to me. I sigh, fluffing my curls as I ponder over a nauseating thought. Is this what it's gonna be like now? Why is he even talking to her?

Hold that thought, here comes the bride and groom.

The sigh I exude sounds more like a groan as they stop at my table. Noah scrunches up his brow at the sound, his smile diminishing.

"You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to."

My stomach plummets, crashing into my body, sending trembles through my skin as Noah backs away. "Wait! I'm sorry, it's been a bad day."

My jealousy almost ruined a friendship. A friendship that I want to keep so I no longer have to be a pity friend. A pity friend to the pretty friend who wants to be my only friend, but have many friends. A friendship I want to keep because I just like being his friend.

Henna waves Camry over as Noah slides into the seat across from me. "I get it. It's been a bad day for me too, but I thought seeing you guys would make me feel better."

"I thought the same. I was just being bitchy to Cam again and I know it's wrong. I ju-"

His lips lift into his signature smile. "You don't have to explain anything to me."

The trembling of my body slows to a stop, my heart beat taking it's place. "Thanks."

"If you need space, we can hang out again later, Raine."

"I don't need space from you."

Noah grins, licking his lips. "Well, in that case, you should stay by my side."

I rub my flaring neck, clearing my throat before speaking again. "Is Cherry gonna be there?"

"Trying to change the subject?"

I groan as the heat spreads across my face, no doubt giving me away. "Just answer the question."

He chuckles before shaking his head. "No, I'm actually taking my brother to the park. I can invite her if it makes you feel more comfortable. Your face tells me you have a problem being around me alone."

"I don't have a problem being around you alone."

"Hmm, well tell me more."

My face, no doubt as red as a firetruck, relaxes in relief as we were called into the back.


I lift my head as the familiar jerk of Noah's car signals we stopped. Innocent shrills of laughter pierce the air as parents and children run back and forth from the school doors. Noah unbuckles his belt, his door screeching as it opens.

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