Ch. 38

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Chapter 38

Noah's car groans as the water ripples, pulling us in as it fills the vehicle. Crimson drips from his head, the water rippling burgundy as his DNA splashes into it.  I unhook my seatbelt, leaning over to kiss his cheek before I unhook his and open the windows. It's now or never.

I pop the glove compartment open, the door stalling as it smacks the water that's risen to my bellybutton. I could kiss Noah for reusing plastic bags he got from the store. Our phones, which are definitely destroyed, will occupy the plastic along with our necklace and his letter. Once all those are securely double bagged, scratchy between breast and bra, I have a strenuous task ahead of me.

I have to get us both out of this car in one piece.

"You can do this. You have to do this."

My chest rises as water begins to gush from the open windows and I place my fingers on Noah's nose, ready to free us from this nightmare. My breathing accelerates, fingers squeezing his nostrils as the car goes completely under, the frozen water engulfing us in arctic bites.

I crawl over him, my free hand feeling for the window as my eyes clench shut. I maneuver each leg out, one by one, before I use my hand to grasp Noah's underarm. Bubbles flow from my mouth as my air escapes me, Noah's body a tough weight even under the water.

A sharp crick sends pain shooting through my calf as I push us above the surface, one hand around Noah, the other propelling us towards land as I take in a gulp of air. My foot comes in contact with soggy earth as we near land, Noah's head flopping backwards as I spin him around, resting him against the ground. I grab under his arms, dragging him towards a tree, so his feet no longer linger in the water.

Plastic crinkles, scratching against my breast as I pull the bag from my bra. It drips onto my pants, causing my stomach to twist. Please, don't let this letter be destroyed.

I lower myself to the ground as a light moves past me, voices filling the air. I place the bag back in my bra, peeling off my outer layer off clothing, along with Noah's. Hypothermia will kill us before the voices. As they get louder, I grab a thin branch, still scattered with icy leaves and canopy it above Noah, so the voices can't see him.

Because, I recognize those voices.

I kneel next to Noah, my teeth clicking against one another. "I'll be right back."

I suck in a sharp breath as I attempt to put pressure on my aching leg, limping into the woods. I wrap a hand around my chest, still thankfully covered in a tank top, the other held up to block the light Noah's aunt shines in my eyes. My eyes glance towards the bright lights shining from their vehicle, Elijah sitting with tears running down his face as Noah's dad sits beside him. The car they're in, the same one that knocked us into the water.

Noah's aunt comes towards me, her hand held out with caution. "Nicole, are you alright?"

Fire bubbles through my veins, anger lighting me up, the frost no longer felt. "I'm so sick of your whiny, pathetic shit! You know what you did! Why would you do this to us?!"

Her eyes blank, hand still held out as if she frozen in time. "Because, she took my boy."

My stomach drops, her answer not answering the question I asked. As her eyes lock on mine, her hand stays in place, only the fingers clenching into a fist as her lip curls upward. A new jingle of alarm shoots ice up my spine as I realize exactly what she's about to say.

I shake my head. "You..."

"She took my man, then my baby, so I took her life." She glares, dropping her hand as she comes to life, stalking closer to me. "That bitch and my mom banned me from Elijah, they banned me from seeing my own son and brother."

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