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There she was. In a clearing of the forest. Where the Magical Creatures were. She had fun. She twirled around as she saw fairies. As she went close to a tree she noticed bowtruckles,

"hey there little guy." She Smiled

She was American. She wasn't from London like most of the kids here in hogwarts. This certain Bowtruckle approached her and snuggled against her scarf. She heard the bells. She then noticed it was getting late.

"Listen! I'll come back tomorrow Morning! Before class! I must go!"

She rushed out forgetting she had the bowtruckle in her scarf. As she ran towards the castle she was on her way to the great hall. As she ran she bumped into a boy. She groaned as she fell as did he. She heard a small squeak as she saw the bowtruckle

"Hey! I'll name you-"

She then heard another groan. She sat-up to meet a Hufflepuff. Her eyes lit up. She saw the most cutest boy.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered

She went on her knees and crawled to him.

"y-your Her." He stuttered

The brunette stopped and looked down at her hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you."

The Hufflepuff was blushing. He was turning red as he didn't know what to do. He never thought he'd talk to a Gryffindor especially her ! Since they have each other for Dark Arts.

"It's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going.

The Hufflepuff seemed to see a green thing stick out of her scarf.

"Is that a Bowtruckle?"

She looked up, with some sort of shine to her eyes. She nodded

"yes ! I was with them then I heard the bell. Listen I'm Y-"

" I know who you are. I'm Newt Scamander! "

The girl smiled as she pulled out her hand. The Bowtruckle went out and walked across their hand as they held on to each other.

"I love magical Creatures! " she whispered

Newt was turning red. It was strange but he looked at her lips. He was always a shy boy. He wouldn't keep eye contact a lot. Soon the Bowtruckle retreated to her scarf

"So your not-"

"I should go."

Newt stood up and left. The young Gryffindor felt a bit sad. She heard the Bowtruckle whine.

"Oh you silly green stick." She giggled

The Bowtruckle stuck it's tongue out and blew. She giggled. She soon started to walk to the great hall. Everyone turned their heads as the head master was making an announcement. There the young Gryffindor stood eyes widen. She laid her eyes on Dumbledore. She blushed slightly she quickly walked to her seat as Gryffindor cheered.

"And our best chaser! Miss Yamilet Dove! A pure Blood !" Yelled the Head master.

The Gryffindor door girl seemed to blush lightly as she did a small curtesy and went to sit down and eat. She couldn't help but glance over at the Hufflepuff table to find a Newton. But to her dispute she didn't.

"keep quiet little stick." Yamilet giggles

Every Gryffindor saw her strange but didn't put any mind to it.

*Next Day at Dark Arts class*

Dumbledore paired off everyone with a different house.

"okay Newt and Young Dove." He said

Phoenix (Newt Scamander) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now