Chapter 7

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I couldn't believe she used Veritaserum on me. I mean she's clever I must say because I wasn't going to tell her. I completely looked at her this time. Straight at those gorgeous orbs she has. I didn't look at her lips. Tears fell down her face.

"You want to kill me don't you."


I see her relax a bit. More like she was relieved.

"Is it true. What the ministry says? That you love Grindelwald, you are Dumbledores lover ?" I asked

She tensed up. I saw.

"I love the man Grindelwald portrayed. I believed really that he was Percival Graves. As for Dumbledore.. I only kissed him once."

She wasn't lying. I then looked at her lips

"Do you want to kiss me?"


I quickly pulled her to me and kissed her. I missed her so much. I really did. Who knew a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor would be together. We pulled away. She was smiling. But it soon faltered

"Do you still love Leta?"


I quickly covered my mouth. I heard a small heavy sigh. I look at her to see her retreat.

"I knew I never could compete with a Slytherin. I really hope your happy, and I hope she makes you happy. She's a lucky girl." She said

I was confused what did she meant.

"What do you mean !?"

I saw she was already upstairs. I quickly followed. As I went out I see Queenie And Jacob.

"Yamilet !" I heard Queenie yell

I stopped

"NEWT MY MAN!" Yelled Jacob


I was crying. He's Marrying Leta and I couldn't change it. He never cared for me. Oh how I missed Percival. Well Grindelwald. He listened to me he seemed sincere to me, I want to know if that's how he truly felt. I apparated to Paris. I quickly came out of a corner. I can't believe it ! Ugh I always fall for the wrong ones! First Newt! Then Percival-! I mean GRINDELWALD! Then Newt again , then Dumbledore! And NEWT! Ugh such a bad luck with wizards what is wrong with me. As I was walking I bumped into someone.

"My apologies!"

I look up to see a handsome man. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiled at me

"Don't worry mademoiselle." He said

"Holy shit-"


"I need her ! She's the only one!" Yelled Grindelwald.

He slammed his hands hard down at the table. As his followers cleaned up the bodies he left for the house. As he entered a certain room there was a little boy. A toddler. He left the room to have someone kill the little Muggle. As he waited he heard a commotion. Soon the door opened smoke resides. There came out Yamilet with her wand drawn and holding the little boy.

"Really! I can't believe you. Muggle or not we promised not to hurt children." She said

Grindelwald was surprised.

"Out." He said

Everyone looked at him confused. His dedicated follower a woman with emerald Green eyes black hair looked upset.

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