Chapter 6

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*6 months Later*


Yamilet has changed. From her short black hair now it's long. She matured but she wasn't with Dumbledore. She was in the home of Newt Scamander. Even if he didn't know. She was feeding the creatures. She saw her Niffler and Newts had babies. She giggled at the tiny little creatures.

"Oh I love you all!" She giggled

The Nifflers went around her and sniffed her. Soon she went to see the Bowtruckles. Pickett noticed her and they greeted. She saw a few Others. Then she walked to the Kelpie.

"Hi cutieeee!" She Smiled

The kelpie rose up.


She quickly took off her heavy clothing and Jumped in.

*mean while *

Grindelwald was sitting in his cell. As they were going to transfer him to London with an Employee of MACUSA, Abernathy who works there something happened. Grindelwald starts to go into its true form as it was Abernathy disguised as him. The mini story of London were shocked soon they didn't except this to happen in all of history.


Newt Scamander was in the Ministry of Magic.

"Oh my Newt?"

He looked up to see Leta.

"Hello Leta." He Smiled

"You know Theseus always Wonders if you ever going to take our invitation when we invite you to dinner."

"Oh sorry I'm always traveling."

"Have you seen her?" Asked Leta

Newt seemed confused

"Seen who?"

"Dove Of course ! In the papers there writing such rubbish. I hope she hasn't seen them really. I mean it wasn't her fault."

"What did they say?"

Leta then summons a news paper article. It read

'Witch falls inlove with the most dangerous man! How did she not know ?'

The picture moves from Yamilet happily hugging "Graves" but then it switches to Grindelwald.

Newt narrowed his eyes.

"she loves him?"

"Newt he portrayed to be that man for a long time. She knew him since she got out of hogwarts. A few Months later they dated." Stated Leta

"She only told me they dated for a couple of
Months" Said Newt

"Newt... I knew she had a crush on you. You were just too blind to see it. She sought him to never remind herself what you and I Put her through."


They turn to see Theseus. Newts older brother

"Hello Theseus."

"Hey brother. Where's your girlfriend ?"

"Girlfriend ?"

"Yeah the paper said you fell in love with the woman who loves Grindelwald!" He laughed

Newt rolled his eyes. Only for Leta to look at him.


"Such a pity.." Said Theseus

Theseus reminded newt to hear what the ministry has to say. And not be himself. As newt entered. They were telling Newt about Credence.

"It seems to our attention that you know about a girl name Yamilet Dove?"

Phoenix (Newt Scamander) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now