Chapter 12

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*Dorset, England*

There she was. In the home of Newt Scamander. She heard the ruckus downstairs where all the other magical creatures were kept.

"Newt you-"

He set his case down and kissed her. In a small kiss there was such passion. He pulled back and looked at her.

"I-I lost you once... -four times to be exact... I can't lose you once again." Newt said

She looked at him.

"Four times ?"

"Yes twice around hogwarts and twice out here."


"When you got into a coma. I wasn't allowed to see you... then after at-at- the Yule ball I-'you ignored me. Leta was jealous of our relationship- I never forgave her..."

She looked at him ever so delicately.

"Then here. We found each other again, for me to only lose you six months. And now... I thought you were going to go with him. Grindelwald I mean." He said


"Let me finish... when he kissed you I felt so angry I wish I understood what was happening but he understood you. I-I- would understand why you would've left. Then towards the end you sacrificed yourself to save all of Paris. All of us."

He then looked at her. He was crying

"Oh newt." She whispered

She rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him.

"H-he'll be back you know. Are you willing to fight him?"

"Yes. Him and his followers."

"What about Credence ?"

"No. Never I want to save Credence"

Yamilet looked up. She wipes the tear of Newt. She smiles

"I love you Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. My one and only Magizoologist"

She placed a kiss on his lips. Newt then kissed her. Wanted more he placed his hands on her hips. He flipped her over as he was on top.

"I love you Yamilet Dove." He smiles

He kissed her again, as he was gently taking off his clothes as she was with hers. As they were on the couch newt grabbed his wand and flicked it, as the blinds, curtains, windows closed, candles were lit, the door was locked, and romantic music played. Then she flicked her wand. A spell casted making the whole house soundproof. So the neighbors wouldn't hear her screams or his.


Yamilet woke up to a fully dressed Newt in the kitchen. She sat up as she had a robe on.

"I-I-made breakfeast." Smiled Newt

He looked over at her and turned red. As she was exposing herself a bit.

"Newt you know you don't always have to be shy when you see me naked ? You saw me last night."

He then turned a deeper red. Yamilet giggles as she got up walked to Newt coving herself more. She went behind him and wrapped her arms around him.


Yamilet was waiting

"Last night was fantastic"

She pulled back and looked at him. Newt turned around

"Yeah it was. I enjoyed myself quite good actually." She smirked

She poked Newt and pulled him by the pants. She then tiptoed to kiss him.


"So your telling me? She's seeing that pest ?"

"Yes sir."


She walked in.

"Yes ?"

"What do you know about Newt Scamander ?"

"Oh he's totally in love with Yamilet. My sister is in love with him. But he doesn't like her."

Grindelwald raised his hand for her to stop.

"What's the matter ? You don't like Yamilet ? I can kill her for you sir." Said one of his followers

Credence was at the bottom listening.

"He's in love with her." Said Queenie

Grindelwald turned around.

"In love with an Auror!? Are you out of your mind !!" Said another of his followers

"She tried to kill you!"

There was talk Among the room.

"Silence !" He yelled

Everyone flinched. But they stopped

"If anyone would go after her their dead. If you try to cast a spell your dead. If she's hurt in any way... your dead..." he said

Queenie was just reading his mind. He thought of her all the time

"You miss her."

Grindelwald looked at Queenie

"Kill Newt Scamander "

Soon his followers Apparated

"Do you think it's wise for you to kill him? She might hate you forever this time."

"She loves me. I'm the only one who showed her true compassion."

"You really do love her... she may think of it as a unhealthy way."

"What do you think Credence?"

He looked up.

"I don't think she should die. I trust her, and Mr Scamander." He said

Grindelwald then looked at queenie. She just nodded her head. He then grabbed a skull and inhaled to exhale. There stood... a memory of his. He was Percival Graves. There he was in a pub Dancing with her as she wore a red dress. He loved it.

"I love you Perc." She smiled

Then it faded.'

"She meant those words. Why do you think she stayed ?" He asked

"For Newt."

Grindelwald took his wand a blue cane out from the tip, as it showed smoke. Then there was an actual vision of her. She was walking down the street. Then behind her came Newt. Grindelwald growled as he stopped

"What does she see in him! I truly loved her ! No one else did ! I knew it from the start !!!"

Queenie didn't want to question him.

"Give me your opinion queenie... after all you can read my Mind."

"Why do you love her?" She asked

Grindelwald was going to answer but she continued

"She nearly killed you... she didn't follow you! She killed a follower does she love you?"

Grindelwald stared around Queenie as she kept going on and on about Yamilet.

"Listen Queenie before I even recruited you she found me... she told me that she couldn't kill me because she was in love with me. She said that some day she will stop and she will have to fight me. I'm sure that it isn't soon but with Newt Scamander in our way he will ruin everything. And I can't let that happen."

Queenie just looked at him.

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