Chapter 10

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as the trio held on. Leta was looking at the cats.

"Those are Matagots they won't attack unless-"

"Stupefy!" Yelled Leta

She hit one and it turned into three.


"Oops" she says

"Leta JUMP!" Yelled Yamilet

As she did the Matagots did too.

"Return!" Yelled Leta

Once they went to the ground as they started to run. They trapped themselves.

"Get in the case !" Said Newt

Once Tina, Leta and Yamilet, Newt Went. He went to grab the Zouwu with Yamilet. They bursted Out as he began attacking the Matagots.

"Accio!" Said Newt

The boxes rose up again, along with his suitcase. Yamilet held onto newt. But before the Zouwu can run off a Matagots jumped and attacked Newt and Yamilet. Scratching her arm in the process. She screamed as the Zouwu growled again attacking the Matagots. As the Zouwu flared its Tussles, it glowed. Once it jumped they had apostated towards the graveyard of Lestrange. Yamilet got off and opened the case. As she went down. And for back up to see Tina and Leta our with the Zouwu cuddling Newt. Soon she pulled out the kitty toy. The Zouwu noticed and followed it into the case. As they entered the tombs. They heard voices as Yusuf held credence captive along with Jacob and Nagini. Yusuf turned around and saw Leta, Tina, Yamilet, and Newt

"Sister. I've been looking for Credence to kill him! " said Yusuf.

Once they went towards the middle of the building yamilet laid her eyes on Credence. She smiled.

"I just want to know who I am!" Said Credence

Yusuf started talking. How the father of Leta kidnapped his mother to give birth to her who died, and he wanted revenge as the father told him. Soon That the father of Leta married another woman. Who had a son, and since he knew that Yusuf was
Coming he wanted to send them to America, so Yusuf couldn't find them. He explained how they were on the ship and somehow Credence Survived

"No! Corvus is Dead !" Yelled Leta

Everyone stood quiet. Yamilet held on to Newt.


Leta box went to the floor as it opened up a Family tree. She talked about how she switched Corvus with a baby who was quiet. That once they got off the boat, into smaller ones, that the one Corvus was in flipped over and he had drowned.

"It wasn't your fault Leta." Yamilet said

"Of course you didn't mean to do it ."

"Newt, Yamilet, you never met a monster you couldn't Love." She smiled

Soon a door opens. There was Jacob,

"Queenie." He says

He went down and saw a bunch of people. Soon he saw queenie and went towards her. As the others entered.

"It's a trap." Whispered Tina

"Yeah it is. Yamilet dont lose focus." Said Newt

Yamilet looked at him.

"Look for the others while I figure out a plan."

Yamilet walked with Newt. Soon it began. Grindelwald walked out as Newt and Yamilet took their place. As Grindelwald began to talk about non wizards, Non-maj and whatnot. He inhaled some smoke and blew out to show a vision of World War 2. Everyone was a bit shocked on how the non Magic's would destroy the earth, once again.

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