Chapter 8

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"Would you like to dance?"

The young male Hufflepuff smiled at the young Gryffindor girl... the girl smiled and stood up. She wore a off the shoulder long sleeve red dress. She was absolutely beautiful. As the young boy wore a simple attire of blue coat black shirt. And some black pants. It was the Yule Ball. Everyone was having fun and dancing. Once she grabbed his hand they danced. Then a slow song came. They held each other close.

"I love this Newt. I really do."


Newt couldn't speak. He looked at her lips. A smile crept upon hers as she leaned in a bit for Newt. He was going to do the same when they were interrupted.

"Can I steal Newt for a second " Said Leta

The Slytherin took the Hufflepuff as they left the Gryffindor standing alone. She went to go take a seat when she realized she didn't want to be there anymore. As their dark arts teacher saw it. She was ready to leave. She looked at her hands as they started to glow red.

"No not now."

She rushed out and once she turned the corner she saw Leta and Newt. Yamilet saw this and it looked like they were kissing. Her eyes widen. They both turned.


"I'm sorry I must go."

She then ran off.

A gasp was heard Newt sat up from the bed. Sweat dripping down his face. He sighed and laid back down.

"I'll never get her out of my head." He said


The young Gryffindor girl ran all the way to the astronomy tower. Her powers became too much, she had to transform into her Animagus form. But it was too late the fire bursted from her as she screamed

 But it was too late the fire bursted from her as she screamed

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Yamilet woke screaming as fire bursted. She was sweating. Having that dream. She couldn't handle it. Soon Albus entered

"Are you alright!?" He Asked

Yamilet looked Ahhh him then at her hands. They Glowed.

"Albus help! I can't- I can't anymore !!!"

She grabbed her wand and apparated somewhere. Then she went into the statue. She saw a circus and different animals. She quickly went to the one in chains.

"I'll set you free." She whispered

The animal nodded in agreement. Yamilet went into the tent and saw Credence. Her heart thumped.

"Credence." She whispered

He turned around with an Asian Chick. His eyes widen. Yamilet wanted to go towards him but he was pushed into something.


Yamilet was pushed inside. She saw the whole ordeal. She was angry. She was ready to burst with fire and kill all this wizards. But as she was going to take a seat someone pulled her and dragged her to the back. She then felt a pair of lips on hers. With the same passion she had before. She didn't hold back. She kissed him.'once they pulled away Yamilet looked at Credence

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