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Miss Luthor and I have become somewhat friends over the duration of these past few weeks. Occasionally, I would find myself staying behind after class more often than not, finding her lonesome during lunch whenever Winn decides to head off to a computer lab to better his coding, or whatever he does, usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The remaining days he stays for lunch but remains after school. I tell him I head to the library, but really head to her classroom, talking about everything and nothing, until I register his class is finished and meet him just outside for us to walk back home together.

His regular absence doesn't bother me as much as it should; we're a few weeks into our last semester of school and Winn's grasping every opportunity to study. Besides, thanks to him, I've managed to get to know Miss Luthor better and may even consider her a friend now.

During lunch one afternoon I discovered she is adopted, much like myself, and that her family are a bunch of psychos - her words not mine - and are in fact the infamous Luthor's, billionaires and lowkey criminals. She explained to me that she wants to make a name for herself outside of said family, wants to help society instead of ruin it.

Every time she cracks a joke, or tells me another piece of who she is as a person, the load on my shoulders gets lighter and lighter until it's lifted completely and I'm free. It's almost a month after I broke up with Mike and I have completely forgotten about him, and along with him, the reason behind how we came to be so close.

It's a Thursday when it happens.

I had P.E the period before hers, we were playing dodgeball and someone thought it was funny to throw a ball at my head. My reflexes seemed to be off, I was distracted probably, and the ball hit me square in the head. Obviously I was fine - yellow sun and all - but they had to undergo standard procedure and sent me to the school nurse where I had to sit with an ice pack until I was discharged just before last period, science.

Science was fine as well; Winn had called in sick today with a fever but I guessed he would probably just laugh at the concept of my head being used as a target for the ball. No, it was the end of the lesson which had caused a hiccup.

Despite becoming more friendly and open with my teacher, I still wasn't comfortable enough to just tell her that I'm an alien. So when I linger behind after like normal, waiting for her to be done on her laptop so we can have our scheduled chat, and she glances up at me with a concerned expression, I have every right to be confused.

"I received an email," she begins, and my step falters, offering her a worried look before sitting just opposite her desk. Her eyes scan the screen again as she reads pointedly, "someone threw a dodgeball at your head? God, are you alright?"

A laugh escapes my lips before I can stop myself, "yes I'm fine, I promise. I didn't even feel it."

"Are they sure you haven't got a concussion? Let me take a look?" She beckons me closer but I simply shake my head.

"The ice healed me." I joke, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose.

"Kara, this could be serious," her voice is gentler now, lathered with bother. "At least let me drive you home, I'm not letting you walk alone in this condition."

"You don't have to do that," I can feel my cheeks flush at her kindness, head bowing slightly.

"Nonsense, it's the least I can do," she's smiling at me when I glance up at her, a sweet smile that reaches her glistening eyes and shoots straight down my spine.

"Are you sure?" My voice betrays me, all quavering and weak. I risk a peek over at the window hidden between the blinds, finding raindrops littering the glass.

"Of course."

After having a mild mental breakdown about Miss Luthor taking me home, I pack up my stuff while she hovers over her desk, beginning to sort a few things out.

I watch as she sorts through pieces of what looked like paperwork, filing away in her desk draw before her eyes are on mine, "are you ready to go?"

I swing my backpack over my shoulder while taking deep breaths, telling myself to calm down. It isn't a big deal, in fact it's perfectly normal for a teacher to offer their student a lift home in the rain after they've just been concussed, right?

"Yeah." I try convincing myself more than her, but it doesn't end up working.

"Great," she replies, smiling at me. My heart melts at that smile, her smile. No.

I tread cautiously over to her, as I spot her place the paperwork into her handbag, standing up. I hum quietly to myself, trying to stop my heart from jumping out of my throat. What is wrong with me? "Are you sure it's okay if you take me home?"

"Of course it is, I don't see why it shouldn't be, you did get hit in the head after all." Miss Luthor points out. I look to the floor, taking all this into consideration.

"Is everything okay?" She queries quietly, head tilting to the side to better inspect my face.

"Yeah," I let out a breathy sigh, "just thinking."

I follow her out of the classroom after that. She takes her keys out of her bag and locks the classroom behind us.

The whole way out of the building, I trail behind, trying to take in everything that had happened prior to this event. How did I end up in this situation?

Miss Luthor must've noticed this because she suddenly stops and turns around. I'm oblivious, as my head is down and I wear a frown. I only manage to stop once I'm about to bump into her.

"Sorry." I blurt out quickly and quietly, taking a step away from her once I realise how close we are.

"It's okay. Are you sure you're okay?"

I nod my head in a brief response and we continue walking, Miss Luthor occasionally sending me a worried look.

For the rest of the way out of the school, which seems to take forever, I have to cut my thoughts short as I walk with my head up this time, next to her.

Suddenly, another presence is in front of us and we have to slow our walk down to a stop.

Stopped by none other than the principle himself. 

"Greetings, Miss Luthor." He says, nursing a coy smile.

"Mr Edge." She replies cooly, nothing like she had been a few minutes ago to me.

"What are you doing with Miss Danvers, Lena?" He asks and I swear he's glaring at her, or something

"And that concerns you," she pauses for a moment, "why?"

"Because I'm the principle of this school." He seems to have a short temper, I note.

"Her sister asked me to take her home," she lies. During one our previous lunchtime talks, I confessed that Alex regularly spends time away at her girlfriend's and that I usually feel guilty for calling her whenever she's away. "She has a head injury from class earlier, you can check the records. If you have a problem with that, Morgan, then I suggest you run that by Mr Henshaw."

About a million questions run through my mind: Who's Mr Henshaw? Why does Mr Edge and Miss Luthor hate each other? How does my principle know Alex? What has Mr Henshaw got to do with everything or anything?

"Not at all," he dismisses, as if the name chilled his bones and that arose even more suspicion, "good evening, Miss Danvers."

And why is he being nice to me and addressing me formally, while calling Miss Luthor by her first name?

There's something going on, and I'm determined to find out what.

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