Chapter 1 ☑️

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A/N: first year, this chapter isn't the best, When I started writing this fan fic I wasn't to interested in detail or anything as I was a noob. The chapters get better I promise!

" Excuse me can I sit here? Everywhere else is full" asked a sweet voice
- Nobody's POV-
  As quickly as Evie fell asleep on the Hogwarts express she was woke up and was met with a bushy haired, chocolate eyed girl stood in the entrance to the compartment
"Sure" Evie's voice was shaky but she allowed the chocolate eyed girl to sit down next to her

"Has anyone seen my toad I've lost him!" Cried a boy as he entered Evie and the bushy haired girl, Evie jolted up eyes full of panic both from the sudden voice of the panicked boy

The bushy haired girl hadn't even told Evie what ever name was but when Evie looked again she was gone
-Hermione's POV-
I could instantly tell that this girl I was sat with was tired so I decided to let her sleep. I felt like something was drawing me too her, she seemed very interesting like a dog following a strange scent...

But I can't tell what...

I decided that I'd help the panicking boy that so rudely interrupted my thoughts

Evie's POV-
I woke up with a jolt, must have been the train going over something.. the "toad" boy and chocolate eyed girl were gone... and just about saw her rounding the corner with the kid looking for his toad.

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