Chapter 7

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A/N: just a little filler crapter. Oh wait I mean chapter, it's just trash!
Try to enjoy 🙃
-Evie's POV-
School went my normally or as normal as Hogwarts can get. Walking to classes, Draco questioning me daily- wait scratch that hourly about who I like and if I'm sure I'm ok and acting extremely protective of me. Stealing glances at hermione and blushing as red as the Weasleys hair (if that's possible) when she looked back at me

The Slytherin vs. Gryffindor quidditch game was drawing ever nearer and nearer and I was getting more and more nervous
The fifth years still keep threatening me, mostly to make sure I scored at least 5 goals for Slytherin ... or they will tell the whole of Hogwarts I'm in the closet ( I'm a lesbian)

Let's just hope they DONT find out I like Hermione... that would make things 10 times worse. For the both of us.

"WHITAKER" I heard from the common room I slowly turned to Pansy and formed my facial expression that states " can you see who it is? If you don't I'll hex your butt" with a few unhappy groans the pug eventually stood up and opened the dorms door.

Oh crap

I can see the shadows casting over pansys quivering body as the fifth years looked around evilly for me, naturally I did the most Slytherin thing I could do

I hid behind Pansy Parkinson's freaking laundry bloody hell

It STINKS I can tell you that! Does the girl not shower
I look up briefly to see pansy being shoved onto the ground as the fifth years walked around looking for me "tell us where she is and we'll leave you here un harmed"

" no need for that dude I found it right here" I suddenly felt someone pick me up by my robes as I whimpered like a dog ...

"Zip it Whitaker" another fifth year yelled. I look at pansy and understand there is nothing she could do now to help me out of this situation apart from keep quiet and report it later on to Dumbledore.

They dragged me out the room and beat me up in the privacy of there dorm. The once white walls splattered with traces of my blood as they threw punch after kick after throw. I eventually passed out.

Once I woke up I was no longer in the fifth year dorms but back in my own. Pansy was next to me making sure I was ok.

"We should tell Draco about this..." she mentioned hesitantly. I shook my head slowly, feeling a bit dizzy and dazed, but she does have a point

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