Chapter 18

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A/N: I'm sorry the last chapter was a really short one!


As some of Draco's friends walked down the stairs I spotted Parkinson glaring at me from the back of the small troupe of tired knuckleheads. I smiled at her to tick her off before turning my attention back to Draco

I said "Good Morning" to everyone before I waved to everyone from where I was sat next to Draco with my legs across him which ended up taking up the space next to him. Blaise then proceeds to sit next to me and Goyle sits by my feet - leaving no room on the couch for the Parkinbitch

"Dracy poo can you tell it to move? I want to sit next to youuuu" She whined

"Who are you calling 'it' Parkinson" Draco shot back at her

"The thing laying across you! It's taking up all the room on the couch! It looks like a great big fat sausage!" She knows weights a touchy subject...

"Shut up Parkinson" Blaise fires at her. This was it. I'm about to crack- screw about to crack I'm cracking

"Right Parkinson, I've had it with your bullshit!  First of all Draco is NOT interested in you and I know that much because I spend all day every day with him, second I am a she not an it! Thirdly, you can stick your fat arse on the other couch literally 2 metres away from this one. And finally FUCK OFF PARKINBITCH!" I screamed at her- I was done with her crap

"Dracy shes being mean to me! Are you not going to do anything about it?" The girl whines

"Pansy, Evie isn't moving so I'd recommend sitting on the other couch or the floor before she explodes and kicks your face in" Draco warns

"Hmp fine." Pansy slumps onto the couch  not to far from us

*time skip to breakfast*

I decided to leave Parkinson alone with Draco since he thought it would be better for me to sit with Hermione and be able to have a moment to breathe and enjoy breakfast rather than have Parkinson breathing down my neck all breakfast making petty and degrading comments that would cause me to explode and cause serious damage

I ate a slice and a half of toast with jam and butter on (the other half was unwillingly donated to Fred while George pretended to be starving), after last night and this morning I didn't feel like eating very much I don't usually have that big of an appetite when I'm tired but I knew I had to eat something or I'd have Hermione shoving food into my mouth whether I wanted to eat or not. This toast is very good though

"Sorry you guys had to see me like that last night... but thanks for being there for me" I mumbled the first part getting few reactions from the others

" Hey it's alright" the twins said (in sync of course)

"You can always count on us Evie" Harry comforted

"I know but that just makes me feel like a burden to you- like you have to check on me every five minutes incase I break down or have another one of those fits again and I can't just snap out of it" I mumbled not wanting more people to hear than the twins, Harry and Mione

Hermione gently put her arm around my waist and pulled be closer to her before eloping me into a bone crushing hug. " Evie you could never ever be a burden why would you think that? We love you and want you to be happy and ok, you are in no way shape or form a burden and it's what friends do- we look out for each other no matter what" she spoke softly before tucking a strand of hair that hung infront of my face behind my ear before she traced her index finger along my jawline until she reached my chin and make me face her.

"Do you understand?" She held direct eye contact with me knowing I could never lie to her Chocolate eyes

I mumbled back a pathetic response "yes Mione" before looking down at my feet

"We can't hear you Evie" Hermione started matter of factly

"Yes I understand" I said holding eye contact for a moment so she understood I wasn't lying to her

Free and George sat in awe at the interaction they had witnessed- not only because because of how close hermione had me against her body but the fact she held my face at the tip of her index finger - staring into my soul but because her face was a maximum of 7 inches away from mine. Mione was feeling very bold today clearly


As myself and the twins watched the two girls infront of us it was very clear that they thought the world of each other. And that Hermione was feeling very bold- especially in the Great hall of all places

I glanced behind the pair to the Slytherin table to see Parkinson practically hanging off Dra- Malfoy as the Bleach Blonde smirked knowingly at his best friend.

I quickly shift my attention to the twins so where (for once) not making kissey faces at the couple - am I allowed to call them a couple? Are they together or just VERY close to each other?

I kind of hope that they are together because of how happy they are when they are around each other. Apart they are happy none the less however when they are together and preforming small acts of affection and care to each other the smiles I see the pair share are adorable.

Hermione POV—

What has POSSESSED me to be so bold..? I quickly give Evie another hug before turning my attention back onto my breakfast.

"Eat Evs" I pass her a chocolate coated slice of toast

" I just did?"

"Well have another please?" Evie shook her head "please for me?" Evie gently took the piece of toast from my hand and began munching happily on it. I smiled as she finished the slice and I continued finishing the breakfast infront of me

HELLO AGAIN!!! No I haven't abandoned this book I have been very busy over the last couple months I am currently working two jobs to pay for my horses and trying to keep on top of my schoolwork AND find time to ride and write my book hasn't been all that easy

I'm going to start making drafts every evening and then as and when they are ready I will post a few at a time!

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