Chapter 17

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A/N: Omg. 4k reads! How? What possessed these amazing amazing people to read my fan fiction?

-Evie's POV-

By the time I had woken up my eyes were sore and my head was pounding. Hermione noticed my groan and asked what was wrong.

"I'm alright, my head hurts a bit but I'll live"

"Alright, just make sure you don't like pass out or something" Hermione stated calmly as I gave her a weak smile

"Thanks Hermione- last night was... definitely not my finest moment. I'm sorry you had to see me like that" I looked away from her for a brief moment I was nervous to hear what she would say

"Evie- you couldn't help it. Of course I'm going to make sure your ok, I would have rather seen you like that- even if it hurt seeing you that way. Then for you to have gone through that all on your own!" I looked up at Hermione's chocolate eyes. smiling, I nuzzled into her chest I wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep feeling safe in her arms.
"You'll have to tell the others thanks from me you know that right?"

Unfortunately it didn't last very long before I knew I would need to get back to the Slytherin dorms or Draco would have my head, but he was supposed to come and get me.

A part of me felt betrayed - had he forgotten about me? Did he not want to be my friend anymore? Did he not care about me anymore...

Another part of me was worried - was he hurt? Was there a reason he didn't come to get me? Did someone hurt him? Was it those fifth years? Did they hurt him? Did they try and hurt him to hurt me?

Thoughts zoomed through my head faster than I could even comprehend, I shook my head and tried to stand up but something was holding me in place.

"Hey, hey, hey, shhh your alright Evie, calm down, what's got you like this?" A soothing voice spoke calmly whispering to avoid disturbing others in the dorm

"Draco..." I breathed choking back tears "he was supposed to get me last night... does he not care about me? Does he want to get rid of me?"

"Evie, sweetheart don't say that, I'm sure Draco has a very valid reason for why he didn't come last night. Maybe Parkinson kept him tied down" Hermione breathed, giggly a sweet airy giggle at the end. I snuggled back into her chest as I realised I'd been trying to push myself away from her and her warmth.

"That Parkinson has always hated me... I think she thinks Draco thinks we are dating, or something like that so she tries to pull us apart, more Draco for her" I curled into the warmth a little bit more.

I didn't receive a reply just words of nothingness as Hermione stroked my messy hair in an attempt to calm me a bit more, and it worked.

I pushed my head under her chin and tried to curl into her even more than before, which by now seemed barely possible anymore. We stayed like this until light from the window assaulted our eyes forcing us to wake up.

I had lost all sense of time when I had my episode, however I believe it is the weekend.

I had also learned that the Gryffindor's common room is a hell of alot warmer than Slytherin's.

The corridors where deserted at this ungodly hour as I made my way to the Slytherin common room - maybe I'd even find Draco when I get there and get a reason out of him as to why he didn't come and get me like we had agreed.

I snuck into the common room to find it deserted - like the halls I had just walked through. To find Draco sleeping on the couch, he seemed quite cold and the blanket he supposedly had was now on the cold stone floor.

"You'll need that stupid, it's freezing in here" I relit the fire to give the room some more light and warmth and pulled the blanket back over Draco.

** time skip to Draco waking up (he needs his beauty sleep after all)**

If you think I could sleep for days you've clearly never slept over at the Malfoy's. I decided to wait Draco up once and it toke me three hours of banging, hitting, throwing and screaming to get him to wake up.

This time I want so patient, I decided to throw ice cold water onto him.

"EEEEKKKKKKKK!!! That's colddddddd"

"And you say I sleep through a storm! I literally slapped you three times! I was considering setting your hair on fire!" I joked

"Your spending too much time with the weasel clones" he remarked

"Don't call them that"

"What you call them that!" Draco defended

"Yeah because I'm their friend and I'm just allowed to like you called me a gay piece of shit the other day but you flipped your lid when some called me an idiot" I began to re enact the scene

"How dare you call my friend you invalid price of niffler shit!" While waving my wand around like an old man.

"Yeah yeah Evie but just.. shut up ok?"

"Why didn't you come and get me last night? Did you forget? Or was Parkinson riding your dick again?"

"Parkinson was practically sat on top of me last night 'why do you need to get her dracy poo? She knows where the common room is why can she walk herself hereee"

"Parkinson needs to get a grip if I'm being honest!"

"Yeah Sorry I could come and get you, how was everyone in Gryffindor? Not that I care"

"Well if I'm being perfectly honest I can't exactly remember, and before you go making fun of me saying I've got some muggle illness I have a reason." I hold a pointed finger up at him to emphasise my point

"Ok what happened are you alright?"

"I had an umm.. what did Mione call them? And episode I think it was. Yeah an episode, like I kinda blacked out and started to fit and what not, it would be easier to ask one of the clones or Mione they actually know what happened whereas I don't" I then sat awkwardly silent as some of Draco's friends began to walk down the stairs.

A/N: I'm really sorry for such a short chapter I will be adding onto it! I'm finally happy with how my previous chapters are looking so I will now start writing new ones!

Hope you have a good day!

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