Part One

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Emmet was sitting at his desk, writing on a piece of lined paper, thinking deeply about every word he wrote. He refused to let himself cry but every now and then a tear would slip down his cheek.

He heard the door open and jumped in surprise. He didn't realize the time. He quickly shoved the papers into his desk and stood. Lucy walked into the room.

"hey emmet" she said, walking past and pecking him on the cheek. "Hey Lucy!" He exclaimed. Lucy looked at him for a moment. "You ok?" She asked. Emmet nodded. "Mhm! I'm all good." He said, pretending to yawn. "Gosh I'm just tired." He claimed.

Lucy glared for a moment, trying to read his emotions, but failed. "Hm. Well, maybe you should take a nap." She suggested. He nodded. "Hah! That's a good idea! I shouldn't spend all day working without rest! That's unhealthy!" He said.

Lucy looked over to him again. "Are you absolutely certain you're ok?" She asked. He nodded. "I am! Really! I promise." He said.

Lucy nodded. "ok, you would tell me if you weren't?" She asked. He then froze. "Er, I mean, of course!" He said, having a look of pain cross his face for a moment.

Lucy sighed. "Well, how was your day?" She asked. Emmet smiled. "Good! I had the weirdest dream last night." He said. Lucy tilted her head. "Oh?"

He nodded. "Well, it was more of a nightmare..." He said. Lucy nodded. "Well, what happened?" She asked.

Emmet thought. "well, we were somewhere with pretty colored wallpaper, and you and Benny started fighting, then I felt a really bad pain in my cheek, then I woke up in a dungeon, and then there was fire everywhere! Then rex was there and-" he cut off.

Lucy stared. "And?" She asked. He shrugged. "I-I forgot!" He exclaimed. "It was just a dream, I'm sure. Rex 'back to the futured,' so I'm sure it can't happen." He said.

Lucy nodded. "Definitely. Anyways, it's late, we should head to bed." She said. Emmet frowned. "Wait, I didn't ask how your day was!" He exclaimed, then yawned.

Lucy smiled. "Come on, we can talk about my day tommorow, you're tired." She said. "No!! I wanna hear about your day." He insisted, sleepily.

"Come on, let's go to bed." She said. Emmet sighed. "Alright..." He said. He lay down beside Lucy, almost immediately falling asleep.

Lucy watched him, smiling. She then noticed something about his face. It was different. Asleep, he looked... Genuine. Unlike when he was awake..

She shrugged it off and took it as stress, and fell asleep soon after.

Emmets eyes opened. He was swallowed by flames, his cheek burning more than anything, and he saw eyes in the flames, all around him.

He teared up. "No no, this isn't happening!" He yelled. "Go away!! None of you are real!!" He screamed.

Suddenly, a hand reached out to him. He looked up. It was rex, crying himself, looking at him.

"We can escape together. We can fix this." He said.

Suddenly, there was a cliff. Emmet struggled against the wind, but it seemed to propel him towards the edge.

"No!!" He yelled. "Please!!" He cried.

Just as he felt his feet slip, he shot awake, in a cold sweat.

Emmet looked beside him. Lucy was sound asleep. He snuggled close to her. "It's ok, right?" He asked.

No response. "I know you can't hear me but.. you know... I really do love you Lucy." He said, pecking her forehead and falling into a dreamless sleep.

Wow, first part. I hope you guys like it so far!! :)

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