Part Three

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Emmet wakes up and stretches. Lucy is already out of bed. He feels confused, as she is usually asleep for hours after him.

Emmet walked into the kitchen. Lucy made breakfast. He stared. "huh? Why are you making breakfast?" He asked.

She shrugged. "Thought I could make some breakfast for you for a change, instead of you always making it for me." She said.

He felt slightly guilty at her kindness. "Thanks" he said, with a smile. He sat down and Lucy sat beside him.

He began to eat, and of course complimented her food. She smiled. "Oh, and by the way, you don't have work today." She said. Emmet nearly choked on his food.

"W-What? I didn't call off!" He exclaimed. "I called off for you. You haven't had a day off in 2 weeks." She said.

Emmet looked down. "Well, it uh, distracts me." He said. Lucy looked up. "From what?" She asked.

Emmet suddenly panicked. He slipped up. "Boredom!" He yelped. Lucy sighed. "I saw your letter to me." She said.

Emmet began to feel his heart pound in his chest. "Y-You did?" He asked. "Which one??" He asked, panicked. Lucy frowned. "This one." She slid over the paper.

"Oh..." He frowned. "I'm sorry you had to read that. I didn't mean to let you see it." He said.

Lucy frowned. "Emmet, I needed to read it." She said. "I finally understand why you've been acting so strange." She said.

Emmet looked down, away from her gaze. She put her hand on his. "You don't need to feel that way anymore." She said.

Emmet looked up again. "nobody is mad at you. Nobody was in the first place." She said.

"Everyone is worried about you is all. We all want the best for you." Lucy said. Emmet teared up and put his hands up to his face. "I'm sorry" he cried.

Lucy hugged him. "It's ok... You're ok... We're ok..." She said.

After a little while, they got dressed and ready. They were gonna meet up with friends at an ice cream shop.

Emmet got his usual vest on. Smiling genuinely for the first time in a while.  Lucy got on her usual hoodie and headed out.

Emmet reached out to hold Lucy's hand, which he hadn't done in a while. He felt much happier holding her hand as they walked.

When they got to the icecream place, they were greeted by Metalbeard, Benny, Unikitty and batman. "Hey everyone!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Hey Wildstyle!" Uni exclaimed. "Ahoy! And I see you've brought Emmet! He's not hiding anymore?" Metalbeard joked. "Hey." Batman said. "Hiya guys!!" Benny exclaimed.

Emmet felt so happy to see his friends again after so long. "hi guys!" He exclaimed.

After they ordered their ice cream, they talked for a little bit. "So, what have you been doing Emmet?" Metalbeard asked. Emmet shrugged. "Hanging out, staying inside. Which, I'm not going to do anymore." He said. Benny smiled. "Great! Great.. anyways, have you guys seen the new park they're building?" He asked.

Lucy glared at Benny. She then shook it off and they continued to talk. They got their icecreams and began to eat. "I love pistachio!" Emmet exclaimed. Benny looked over. "Ew, I hate that icecream." He said. Lucy looked over. "What's your problem?" She asked.

Benny shrugged. "Oh I don't know. Hasn't it been strange that he's been hiding from us?" He asked. Lucy frowned. "You don't know what he's going through." She said. Emmet scooched away, closer to Unikitty. She was shaking. "Yeah? Well at least he isn't a one sided loser like you!" Lucy yelled. Benny laughed. "Wow! And at least I'm not a galaxy destroyer!" He said.

That was like a punch in the stomach to Emmet. He teared up. "Don't listen to him Emmet!" Unikitty exclaimed. Benny and Lucy began to get physical, when they were pulled away from each other by Unikitty and Metalbeard.

Emmet teared up. "What have I done?" He asked, tearing up. Lucy looked over to Emmet. "You didn't do anything sweetie! It's this space loving freak that did this!" She exclaimed. Benny growled at her and tried to hit her. Lucy did the same.

Metalbeard and Unikitty lost grip of them and they began to fight again. "Guys stop!!!" Emmet yelled. It did nothing.

"Guys! Don't make me stop you!" He said. Benny looked over. "What are you gonna do? Cry?" He asked. Emmet frowned. "N-No" he said. Lucy growled. "Don't say that to him!! He's got a big heart and you should love him for it!!" She said.

Emmet couldn't take anymore, and he moved inbetween them. Suddenly, he was smacked across the cheek. He stood, shocked, Benny and Lucy were silent, and Lucy stared. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" She said. Emmet teared up, holding his cheek. He ran out of the store.

"Emmet!!" Lucy called after him.

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