in the next part of his adventure, kevin goes on a journey through the hoenn region and meets new pokemon, battles new characters and much more. this is the third book in the series, i would suggest reading the other books:
POKEMON a new journey...
We both walk outside and stand on the ready battlefield a few people have come to watch it as well, apparently Gwen has made a title for herself here in this town, they call her the Queen of Darkness. "well, what pokemon did you get from the professor?" she asks. "come on out! mudkip!" i yell throwing the pokeball out and mudkip bursts out of the ball. "ok, in that case, ill use Absol!" she yells throwing a pokeball onto the battlefield. the ball opens up and a pokemon comes out. i pull out Dexter and she gives me time to scan it:
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Absol The Disaster Pokemon
Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pokemon.
"impressive pokemon i have to admit Gwen, but Being fancy doesn't win a battle" i say grinning. she smiles. "oh... you wont win..." Gwen then gets ready. "Absol use Nightslash!" Gwen commands. absol's horn glows purple and it dashes towards mudkip. "quick mudkip use water gun!" i yell, water blasts from mudkips mouth but absol uses the night slash and cuts it in half, and then slashes mudkip. mudkip yells in pain and hits into the wall behind me, "mudkip! are you okay?!" i ask. it gets up slowly, hurt pretty bad. that night slash attack is going to be a lot of trouble, she's truly the queen of darkness. "alright mudkip use your tackle attack!" i yell. "mudkip!!!" it yells dashing for absol, Gwen smiles. "use protect..." she says. then a shield of energy forms around absol and mudkip bashes into it only getting blasted with the same amount back. mudkip finds some footing as it slides away from the shield. "mudkip! are you alright?" i ask. "mudkip..." it grunts wincing at some pain in its left side. "dang it..." i say. "whats the matter kevin? can you not keep up?" she says chuckling. "of course i cant, but i can try!" i yell back. she smiles and turns to absol. she nods, absol nods as well. "absol use Nasty plot..." she says.
"absol!" it yells, as its special attack raises by two. "now absol, use nightslash again..." she says. absols horn glows purple and it starts to dash for mudkip. "think! think! what can i do!?" i whisper. "wait..." i say, "mudkip! go underneath it and use water gun!" i yell, absol is right in front of mudkip, mudkip does as its told and goes underneath absol and aims up, it blast it in the stomach, absol is shot into the air. absol does a back flip and lands perfectly on its feet in front of Gwen. "are you okay?" Gwen asks. Absol grunts, "of course you are..." she says turning back to Kevin. "alright... absol, lets finish it with this next move... dont let him get near you... dark pulse" she says.
"quick use water gun!" i yell. absol fires a beam of dark energy, and mudkip fires a blast of water, the blast of water is then blown away by the beam and it blasts mudkip. "mudkip!" i yell. the smoke clears and my pokemon is unable to battle. "the Winner is absol and the Queen of darkness!" yells the referee. Kevin returns mudkip and smiles, "that was a good battle Gwen, i knew you were strong, so i would have still liked some experience with battling you." says Kevin. "anytime Kevin, ill make sure that it is as enjoyable as possible every time." she says smiling. "Kevin! that was a wonderful battle, i forgot to give you these!" says Birch running out from his lab, "what is it professor?" i ask. "your Pokeballs, you forgot them" he says catching his breath from running all the way to the battlefield. "oh! thanks professor." i say taking them out of his hand. "your welcome, just be careful on your journey" he says starting to walk back to his lab.
"Kevin? are you going on a pokemon adventure?" Gwen asks. "yeah of course. why?" i ask. "well, my mom wont let me go unless i have someone to travel with, and it cant be someone my mom doesn't know, and she wants to stay inside all day so she cant ever meet anyone." says Gwen. "thats horrible... I've been on 2 adventures so far, and you've gone on 0. thats gonna have to change, c'mon, where's your house?" i ask her. her eyes light up, "c'mon ill lead you to it." Gwen says grabbing onto Kevin's arm. They both go to the pokemon center and heal their pokemon and make it to Gwen's house and go inside. "mom! im home! also cousin Kevin is here!" Gwen Calls up to her mother. "Kevin?!" she yells. "yeah, come downstairs." Gwen says. "coming!" yells Aunt Rebecca. she comes down the stairs and looks at me. "Kevin! your here! how are you sweetie? how was your trip?" she asks.
"im here, im good, and it was great, but we have something to ask you..." i say smiling. "oh of course what is it?" Rebecca asks. "well... i was wondering if i could go on an adventure with Kevin around the region..." Gwen says. "... no..." Rebecca says. "what?! why not Aunt Rebecca?!" i yell. "oh come on Kevin dont yell, its because i need her around the house for errands and the world is far too dangerous... so i must keep her safe." says Rebecca. "but my pokemon are capable of taking care of me!" says Gwen. "it cant be helped, im sorry Kevin, she is staying here with me." says Rebecca. "wait... i have a proposal..." i say. "and what is that?" asks Rebecca. "i Challenge you to a battle... if i win... Gwen can go out on an adventure... and if you win..." says Kevin. "if i win then you both will stay with me." she says.
"... deal..." i say. "Kevin no!" Gwen yells. "its okay Gwen..." i say. "lets take this outside..." says Becca smiling. They both walk out into the street both spread equally apart. "now Kevin, i must warn you, I've done the exact same thing that you have... I've gone through the kanto, johto, hoenn, sinnoh and unova regions... you have only gone on half of the adventures I've gone on... so let me tell you... you cant win..." says Rebecca. "we'll see about that..." i say. "ill even choose a pokemon that has a disadvantage against yours..." she says. "mudkip come on out..." i say dropping the pokeball. mudkip comes out of the ball and appears in front of me. "mudkip!" mudkip is fired up and ready to battle. "mudkip..." i say. mudkip turns around. "we can't lose this fight... we have to keep moving buddy... got it?" i say. "mudkip!!!" mudkip agrees and turns to face his opponent.
"come on out my darling Rapidash!" she says throwing the pokeball out. Rapidash comes out ready to fight, fire exhales through its nostrils. "get ready mudkip use water gun!" i yell. mudkip quickly fires a blast of water at the enemy pokemon, "dodge it Rapidash!" she yells. Rapidash moves out of the way and gets ready for its trainers next set of orders. "now use stomp!" she yells. "dodge it and use tackle!" i yell. rapidash attempts to stomp on mudkip but mudkip is smaller and quicker, so it jumps out of the way and bashes Rapidash. "good job buddy! now use mud slap!" i yell, mudkip quickly covers its tail in mud and smacks rapidash in the face. "good job!" i yell. "rapidash! can you see?" she yells. Rapidash Grunts with a negative response, "oh no..." Rebecca says.
"good job mudkip use your water gun now!" i yell. "get out of the way Rapidash! hurry!" rapidash quickly dodges the blast of water and nearly steps on mudkip. "rapidash use agility!" Rebecca Yells. Rapidash lets out a yell of confidence and its speed is raised. "now Rapidash use fire blast!" she yells. "quick get out of the way!" i yell, but mudkip is too close to dodge, mudkip is blasted with fire blast and badly burned! "mudkip!" i yell. mudkip lands on the ground in front of me, and is hurt by its burn. "alright, mudkip use water Gun quick!" i yell, mudkip blasts the horse pokemon quicker than Becca can react.
Rapidash slams into the wall. i then notice that there are many people gathering around this fight. people are cheering for both sides. "rapidash use overheat!" she yells. "quick get out of the way mudkip!" i yell, Rapidash blasts a huge wave of heat at mudkip who dodges quick, as told. "good job!" i say, but then mudkip is hurt by its burn. "hang in there mudkip! use water gun!" i yell. "mudkip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yells mudkip blasting a bigger amount of water at Rapidash than before, the blast of water hits rapidash into the wall again knocking it out. "mud... kip..." mudkip nearly falls over but i run over and pick him up, "that was an awesome battle buddy. take a good rest." i say returning him.