Chapter 2 ~ A Helping Hand

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I run quickly to school, wearing my red sweater and my hair in a messy ponytail (if your hair is long). Then, 'im stopped by the principal...again. "Great..." I mumble as I'm approached by the principal. "Late again I see, detention for you and don't be late," he says quite sternly and annoyed. "I am so sorry, I had to uh.... get my project for science class!" I say while fiddling with the string on my bright red sweater, worried he will see past my lie. "Ok fine, no detention, now go to your class immediately!" He says walking away. I sigh with relief and go to class. I think some people know about my parents and the explosion. Why does gossip have to travel so fast! I sit alone at my desk and then suddenly, a paper ball is thrown at my head. I read what seems to be a badly written pink message on it: "Get out of school, no one likes you and no person ever will, your fat loser! Go to hell!" I look at the note and then behind me. I see Alana and her group of barbies snickering happily. I just want to punch her in the face but instead of that, I throw the note back at them with a little message written on it: "What you say is what you are and if you don't have anything better to do then make fun of high school students like myself, that's just sad so Buh Bye!" Alana reads the note and crumples it. I can practically feel her eyes glaring at me at the back of my head. I decided to ignore her and just listen to the song "Better Days" on my headphones. I don't know what I would have done without my music, it is one of the things that helps me stay positive, even though my life sucks sometimes.

(Time skip)

I walk out of class and outside the school, into the yard. All of a sudden, my shirt is tugged and I almost fall on the ground. Luckily I catch myself and I am able to turn around to see who it is. Its no other than Alana. She glares at me, furious and it looks like she is going to blow like the volcano in Pompeii! "You little stupid son of a-! "WOAH WOAH WOAH! Nooooooo swearing here barbie!" I cut her off, smiling mischievously. "What how dare you! I going to make you wish you were never born!" Alana screams, as she grabs me by my sweater and pushes me into a corner. Alana comes up to me and is about to punch me but then a figure comes behind her and pins her to the tree near us. "Didn't your mother teach you to be nice, jeez" he says looking at her with disapproval. "You're seriously going to help her, she is just a stupid girl who should not exist! She says furiously while trying to get free from the figure's grasp. All I can do is look down at my feet. "Yes, because she has done nothing to you so back off." He says as he helps me up. "Are you ok?" he says. "U-Uhm yeah, I'm good" I say while wiping grass off my pants and wondering where the heck he came from. "Ok good, im Peter parker, what's your name," Peter asks. Alana is long gone now, embarrassed someone caught her. "Oh, I'm Y/N L/N", you say confidently, happy there are some people who care. "Ok Y/N, cya around," Peter says. He walks away and you look at your watch. "It's nice that he helped me, now I can help others!" I say while walking into a nearby alleyway. I look around to see if anyone is there, and luckily, no one is. I press the button on my locket and my suit forms. "Its showtime!" I say while swinging away.


ELLOOOOOOOOO PEOPLE! I hope you liked this chapter! I have a question for readers for this chapter, what is your favorite superhero and why? Since its a marvel universe story, it should be a marvel character. But, if you don't have a favorite Marvel character, just choose one from DC. That's my question for today sooooo CYA!!!!!

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