Chapter 26 ~ Operation Save the World

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Spiderman's POV 

We all sit around the table in the Avengers tower and Bruce presses a button on the table. It creates a hologram with details about Y/N. It shows a picture of her in her Shadow Spider uniform and when I look at it, I smile. Quickly though I realize, they thought she was going to be evil before we met her.

" did you guys come up with this so fast?! Why do we have this!" 

They all look at me and Bruce sighs. "We have created a plan for each Avenger here if any of them gets controlled or becomes evil. It's just for safety and we have never used it until now. Nick Fury told me to create it when Y/N joined just like I did for everyone else here, including me" 

I sigh and cross my arms. "Alright fair enough, what do you think will happen if Glitch makes her use her powers to start the machine up..." 

Bruce sighs in relief, clearly happy that I was not that mad at him for making these plans. 

"Well I've researched her abilities, they are very similar to yours but for some reason, the spider that bit her had something added to it. Not all the spider there were exactly the same so some could give you spider-powers only and some could give you that and something else I guess"

He looks back at everyone, hoping they get what he is saying. They seem to so he continues. 

"Her spider gave her what is called an electrical shock, powerful than most heroes with the ability to manipulate electricity. I believe that somehow she also got the ability to change the amount of power it gives but if she uses it too much..." 

He turns to me and sighs, "She could die...and if Glitch makes her try powering the machine, she could cause an explosion if she gives the machine too much power. The explosion could kill thousands of people, the number can't is determined." 

We all look at each other and I look back at Bruce. "So how do we stop her and bring her back". 

Iron man stands beside Bruce and lets Bruce sit down. "Well Bruce and I talked about it and we think that if Y/N feels enough of one emotion, she will snap out of it and whatever is controlling her will stop, giving us time to get Glitch and Y/N to safety. Then we will give the machine to S.H.I.E.L.D and they will help us destroy it for good. 

Clint smirks and looks over to me. "What do you think kid, ready to get your girlfriend back?" 

I look over to everyone and finally stand up. "Operation Save the World is a go and I will not rest until Y/N is back" 

They all nod and everyone grabs their weapons, gadgets, and suits. I look over to the photo of Y/N in her uniform and smile again. 

"Don't worry Y/N, we will save you soon. I promise" 

I grab my web-shooters and notice Iron man working on something. "Mr.Stark, what are you doing?" 

"I have something for you kid, here". 

He walks out of my way and shows me a new suit. Its an updated version of the first suit he got me but in black, gold and red. 

"You need to blend in a little more but I thought since your saving your girl, you should look good too". 

I take my mask off and pick the suit up. "Mr.Stark, its perfect..thank you".  

He smiles and ruffles my hair. "Of course it is, I made it! Now come on Spider, we have a damsel in distress to rescue" 

I smile a little and wait for him to leave so I put the suit on. Once I do, I look in the mirror and smile. It fits like a glove and looks very good. It will also be helpful when I sneak up on Glitch and get my Y/N back.

Y/N...I'm coming for you...

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