Chapter 10 ~ The Man in Black

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I walk out of school after a long day of avoiding Alana and hanging out with Peter and Ned. When I got home, I was too late and got another beating by Miss. Alister. As I'm walking down the street, I'm greeted by Peter. "H-hi Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to go to that movie everyone was talking about..." he says looking a little shy. It's cute. "Oh sure, what time?" I asked blushing a little. "Oh 8:30 pm, I-ill pick you up. Cya later Y/N!" he says while walking away to Ned who gives him a big thumbs up. I giggle a little and continue my walk. I go in the alleyway and I press the button on my locket. "Patrol time," I say, happy to finally stop some bad guys. I web swing around, stopping a robbery in the process. I land to the ground and new reporters crowd me. 

"You are the famous Shadow Spider!" one of the news reporters say happily. "Yes, I am," I say wonder were this conversation is going. "Are you and Spider-man something hmm..." Another reporter says hoping I say yes. "Oh um..." I say not sure what else to say. "Woah guys give her space," says Spider-man as he swings and lands beside me. "Phew, thanks for coming" I whisper to him as I try to walk away from the news reporter. "Spider-man are you guys friends or something more?" another reporter asks while putting a microphone in his face. "Uh, I would not say that we kind of just met not too long ago," he says a little flustered. "We should go now, bye everyone!" I say as I grab his hand and swing away from the crowd. "God, remind me to stay clear of reporters..." I say laughing a bit. "Yeah no kidding!" he answers while playing around with some web. All of a sudden, we hear a crash from the distance. I look in the direction of the sound and I see him. The reason why this whole problem started. Glitch. He was with a guy dressed in black. Before I can process what's happening, Glitch vanishes, leaving the man in black with the building.

I see the man in the building near us, a hospital. He is about to blow it up! Without think, I web swing as fast as I can to him and pin him down. "You have the right to remain silent!" I say while webbing him up. Spider-man catches up to me, surprised on how fast I am. "Oh what a surprise, the spiders!" he says while trying to get out of the webs. "Don't think about it, I will electrocute you if you do anything stupid?" I say angrily. "Fine ill go with you two but you better watch your backs, Glitch loves having fun with heroes like you," he says while laughing like a maniac. Spider-man webs his whole face and then helps me take him to S.H.E.I.L.D.

Time Skip

I put the man in a chair and cuff him to it. The Avengers finally arrive and are surprised at what they see. "He works for Glitch doesn't he..." Hawkeye says while looking at the man. "Yeah, he tried making an explosion happen at the hospital, Shadow Spider though caught him before anything happened and Glitch escaped before we could anything," Spider-man says. "Someone has to question him, any volunteers?" Capitan America says while looking at me and Spider-man. "Fine, we will go, come on," I say, dragging Spider-man with me. Spider-man sits down at a table while I take off the bag, we put over the man's head. "What do you want," the man says angrily. "Answers, now first question, what is your name and your work with Glitch," Spider-man asks while preparing his web-shooters. "Alan Jenson, I work for Glitch by helping him with explosives and his technology. Now free me before I find a way myself!" He says while trying to break free. 

Ever since we got this guy, I've been angry that Glitch escape and I was having enough of this guy's temper tantrums. I walk up to the guy and punch him in the face. "Look, pal, tell us, what is Glitch planning to do or else you are going to have a very bad day!" My hand starts sparking with electricity. The man looked scared and so did Spider-man. "W-why should I talk, you're just a couple of kids." He says while trying to break free. I grab him from the collar and pull him to my face. "Well, this "kid" will hurt you if you don't start telling us his plan!" I say, wanting to punch this guy more. "Shadow calm down...." Spiderman says, looking at me concerned. I sigh and let go of the man. "Glitch told me to tell you, heroes, that this was a warning and if you mess with him, he will take it out on the city and world," the man says while looking away from me. I walk out of the room to relax and forget for at least a second about Glitch. Spider-man follows me and leaves the man with Black Widow and Hawkeye. "Are you sure you are ok Shadow?" he asks, still concerned. "I just want to find Glitch..." I say while looking at the ground. "Don't worry we will, I just don't want you to make a mistake" he says and then touches my shoulder to comfort me. "I know and I won't I promise," I say back to him. "Ok, I have to go now, cya later," he says while swinging out of the building. I remember then that I had to meet up with Peter. I swing out of the building and head to the movie theater. 


I hoped you liked the last few chapters! I've been trying to make them longer and if there are any bad. Also, remember to vote! BYE!!!!!!!!!!

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