Chapter 3 ~ The Alleyway

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As I'm swinging around, I'm able to stop a robbery and an assault! Not bad for a first time! I wish I got bitten by that spider sooner. I swing back into my room and shut the window. Then I take off my mask and jump onto my bed. "Soooooo tired" I groan. "Web swinging is harder than it looks jeez!" I leap off my bed and look at my watch. "OH SHOOT, I NEED TO GET TO THE FOUNTAIN!" I yell while pressing my locket and changing back into my regular clothes. Sometimes I go to the fountain and play music there, and I promised the people that come that I would be there today! I grab my guitar and run out of my room. Before I can get out of the apartment though, P/N, my dog grabs on my pants and starts tugging it. "P/N! I have to go! ill be back and we can play then ok!" I say while petting my cute dog. My parents got me P/N for Christmas a few years ago. P/N lets go of my pants and walk to his bed. After I can tell he is fine, I run out and go straight to the fountain. People are starting to come, thats good. I get to my spot and unpack my guitar. "Hi everyone, what should I play this time, I have time for one only this time," I say. The crowd starts shouting names of songs. I swear I heard some Japanese ones too! I try to listen and decide on one. I make sure my guitar is tuned and get ready to play "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran.  I start playing and I see people staring in awe.  I feel like I'm floating. I love the feeling I get when I play music. I finish the song and everyone claps loudly and puts money in my guitar case. I thank them for their kindness and walk around the park. Then I see Peter so I run after him. "Hey Peter," I say. "Oh hi Y/N, I did not know you performed here? Your voice is great" He says, then immediately looks down at his feet. Is he blushing? Well, I guess he is embarrassed. "Thanks, Peter, ill see you at school ok," I say. "Ok Y/N, cya later," he says while walking away, Peter is so sweet, it's nice he thinks my voice sounds nice. I walk away and head home. All of a sudden, I'm grabbed from behind. "Hello miss, I think we should have a little chat," the person says. I try to scream for help but he just covers my mouth and throws me to the ground in the alleyway. Three guys with guns look at me with grins on their faces. "Give us all of your possessions now or else you are going to pay," one of the guys say while pointing a gun at me. I stand there smirking and take out my smoke bomb. "Ok here then catch," I say while throwing it in the air. It goes off and smoke covers the alleyway. When they try to look for me, I grab one of the guys by his arm and pin him down to the ground. I cover his mouth with his mask, throw him in the trash and lock the door. The other 2 guys notice and try to grab me. I flip off one and kick the other guy in the face, sending him flying to the wall, knocking him unconscious. The last guy just stands there looking pretty scared."To make this easy, just lock yourself in the other trash bin ok?" I say smirks at him. He tries to punch me, but I grab his hand and throw him into the garbage bin, locking him inside for him. I smile and dust myself off. Then my spider-sense goes off. I react and elbow him in the gut. I turn around and then realize my mistake...


OOOOOOOH CLIFFHANGER!  Who is behind you! Why is he behind you! ARE YOU GONNA DIE! Well, you will never know until the next chapter! MWAH HA HA HA! (I'm sorry for being weird, I just had to say that and also, thats how I am in general sooooo get used to it my friends!) I have some news to tell you though, the drawing I did of you in the story is complete! it took me a while and I hope you like it. I will show it in an Authors note so you will see it there. Thats all I have to say sooooo....PEACE OUT!!!!!!!

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