Chapter 5

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Harry woke up thinking it was six-the time he needed to get up by if the both of them were going to make it to class on time. He just didn't look at the clock like he normally did.

When he finally got all of his clothing on in the right places was when he looked at the analog. 8:15. Class started in fifteen minutes.

"DRACO! DRACO GET UP! WE GOTTA GO, CLASS IS GONNA START!" He picked up a pillow and threw it across the room at the general area of Draco's head and proceeded to search the room for his shoes. Draco groaned and rolled out of bed, literally falling onto the floor.


"CLASS STARTS IN THIRTEEN MINUTES! LET'S GO!" That seemed to do the trick. He quickly jumped up and proceeded to throw clothing on at a mad pace. Eyeliner was applied magically, and food was grabbed as they ran out the door and down the corridors leading to the potions classroom. Severus might like the two of them, but that wouldn't mean that he wouldn't be mad if they showed up late to his class.

They ran through the door half a second before it magically slammed shut.

"Almost late boys. Sit down." Harry searched, but he only found two empty seats-on the opposite sides of the room.

"Go, I'll only be right here if you need me." He gave Draco a slight nudge, indicating that he should go sit with the Slytherins, and that he'd sit with the Ravenclaws. He was going to enjoy showing them up for once.

Instructions were once again given out, and Harry got his potion done in exactly the way Severus had shown him over the summer, which meant he was done about three times faster than the student around him, who were doing it by the book and not taking the shortcuts that were easy enough to figure out if you knew your ingredients.

The rest of the day passed in a blur, and Harry couldn't get to their rooms fast enough.

Draco looked at the calendar and realized what day it was: Wednesday. That meant that Harry would need to go and face the world about his makeup and other odd habits the next day. He pointed it out and was sorry that it did almost immediately. Harry didn't say anything. He just turned and walked to his room.

At three in the morning the next day, Draco had to wake him up again. His blood curdling screams were almost too much for him to bear any longer, but he bit his tongue and resisted asking what he was screaming for. He knew that if he asked questions, he'd be less likely to receive an answer from the distraught man.

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