Chapter 10

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Their classes went by rather slowly, but Draco was too focused on having a relaxing afternoon to notice. He needed to decide what he wanted and what would be good for Harry's stress. Harry, on the other hand, was far too keyed up to even think about what the teachers were saying.

Soon enough, or not soon enough to the boys, their last class of the day was wrapping up and they were headed out the door and into the crowded corridor. They walked towards the Great Hall and the doors of the castle when Draco saw it. Harry was flinching whenever someone touched him or when someone's voice was particularly loud. He wrapped an arm around his waist protectively, to provide some form of comfort and security to the man next to him. The flinching didn't go away, but it did lessen a bit.

And, he'd admit it, he wanted to know what it felt like to hold his waist in such an intimate manor. He wanted to know if it would be calming to both of them or if it was just to comfort the poor boy. Or maybe he did it just to satisfy his own curiosity. He often found himself wondering just how thin the other had gotten over the years. He was surprised when his hand rested on a hip that wasn't as bone-y as he had expected.

Draco thought that he'd be touching skin and bone, but it appeared that Severus had gotten the boy to eat more than he had been in years past. He made a mental note to thank him later. Instead of the sharp edges he had anticipated, his fingers met soft skin. It was obvious that at one point there was a sharp edge from his hip bone but now it was covered by a layer of softness, implying that he had gained weight recently. He allowed himself a small smile before quickly adapting his usual 'touch me and die' look. The last thing he needed was people seeing him smiling and acting approachable when Harry was clearly distraught at all of the noise and people around him. He just needed to hold everyone at bay until they were no longer where everyone recognized the famous wizard.

They soon reached the hall only to find it jam packed with people, all intent on getting to some notice or another. They silently assumed it was for the next Hogsmeade trip as most of the students looked to be about third years and up. Draco gently but firmly led Harry out the massive doors, his arm still wrapped firmly around the other's waist, and out of the school grounds where he took his hand and apparated them to an alley in a muggle city.

Draco leaned in towards Harry to see how he was doing. Finding that Harry's face wasn't giving away too much to assume from, he held out his hand, waiting for the other to take it. He did after a moment's hesitation.

"You'll be okay. No one knows you here. You're someone that they'll want to please because you're a paying customer not because you're Harry Potter. That and because you're with me-I'm rather well-known here. I'm infamous for plaguing the place during the holidays and weekends." He watched as Harry nodded slightly and pulled him out from the alley and onto a very clean sidewalk that wound its way throughout the town.

There were a few couples walking around from store to store and none of them stared at Harry or Draco, something that Draco knew the both of them were grateful for. He didn't want, or need, people to start staring and asking odd questions. That would only let Harry's stress level go up and would therefore be more likely to force the man to remain tense-which was the whole reason why they were there in the first place.

It didn't take long for him to locate the familiar building with the sign that said 'Fringe to Toes'. He noticed the confused look on the brunet's face and just smiled. He'd find out soon enough.

When they walked in, I noticed that Mary was at the receptionist's desk. She started talking before she looked up.

"Hello and welcome to-" she cut off as she looked up and saw Draco. "Well, Mr. Malfoy! Such a pleasure! Shauna, go get Damion." The brunette turned and started walking away but stopped when Draco leaned in to whisper to Mary. "Shauna, go get Damion and Shane please. Tell them it's urgent and I won't take no for an answer!" The brunette hurried off, presumably to find the two he had requested.

"Now, I hope you two have a wonderful visit. Damion and Shane will take care of everything." Draco nodded his thanks and saw the two men start heading towards the front as he felt Harry lean towards him. He leaned in as he could practically feel the curiosity pouring off the other teen.

"Draco, where are we?"

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