Chapter 4

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Ron stood and yelled at Pansy before releasing a hex of his own. Which led to Blaise sending one towards him. Ron ducked and it hit Hermione, who sent one right back. A second year sent a rather impressive hex and after that was a blur of different colored hexes and curses. Harry sent a shielding bubble over himself and Draco, who noticed that everyone else was severely injured or had body parts where they shouldn't be.

The Malfoy watched as everyone basically took everyone down. He jumped when Harry's voice boomed throughout the castle.

"Everyone SHUT UP!" The students stopped their torrent of curses for the moment to listen to their Savior. "Look, just stop. Fighting is not what school is for. Now control yourselves. You think I haven't heard all the whispers? You think I don't know the rumors floating around? I know about them, I hear the comments. But you didn't think about the most important factor. I DON'T CARE! There's nothing you can say that will hurt me, so stop trying. And to everyone else who has decided to defend us-it's not worth your breath. They'll never stop. So just don't bother wasting your time." He cancelled the volume charm and let his protection spell fall. "C'mon Draco, let's go. I can't eat anyway."

They left and practically ran back to their room, just to get away from everyone.

"Harry..." He watched as the other stopped walking around aimlessly to look at him. "You can't always tell people what to do like that. It'll just make them talk more. I don't think that was a very good idea. I know you were upset and mad that they would fight over us like that, but that's the way teenagers are. They take sides and fight and then a week later everyone's okay again. You'll see, it'll all just blow over...It always has in the past." He stopped his mini rant when a paper was tossed his way.

"That doesn't look like it'll blow over." The front cover. He was on the front cover. With Harry Potter. This couldn't be good.

'Boy-Who-Lived Disappeared and Come Back To Be Gay

That's right, folks, Harry Potter is rumored to be gay! Some of his closest friends swear that he is, as do many other students in Hogwarts. 'He's always checking guys out...Never leaves the boys alone...Hated dating girls...' and more were all confessed to this reporter.

But what happened to the famous Potter during the summer? When did he dye his hair, and why? Why did he pierce his face? Why does he wear makeup now? All of these questions are intriguing, but none like this: Why is Harry Potter suddenly spending so much time with the infamous Draco Malfoy, disowned son of Lucius Malfoy?

'They're always together...They're sharing rooms...All of their classes are the same...They are simply inseparable...' Plenty of other explicit comments were made also when this subject came up about the two men.

According to a reliable source, no one knows for sure what Harry Potter did during the summer, or the reasons behind the sudden change in his appearance. But, many people are speculating that the man actually wishes he were a woman! The reporter cannot verify this, but is determined to find out the truth to tell it to you-the faithful readers.

Some think all of it is because of the losses and depression the War invariably brought on. Others think it's an attempt at making himself look more appealing to the other men. With all of these big changes in mind, you can't help but wonder. Rita Skeeter hopes to secure an interview with both Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy soon to clear up the confusion with the two.'

Draco dropped the paper. Rita Skeeter? The crazy old bat that made things up and twisted everything that people said? She couldn't be serious. Like Harry would want an interview with her.

"I'm doing the interview. And I'm overseeing the entire thing from start to finish. If so much as a comma is put where I don't like it, then I'm making them fix it. I don't care if you do or not, but it would make it easier on me if you at least went with me. I don't think I can face her on my own." He quickly nodded, eager to see Rita put in her place, and curious as to what Harry would say at the interview.

"I wrote her a letter this morning and we're doing it on Wednesday afternoon since we only have one class first thing in the morning." They split up for the night, neither one of them wanting to eat anymore. The night was just too stressful for them to handle and they went to sleep after silently finishing their homework.

Draco noticed that Harry went to sleep faster than he did because his essay was written and left out on the table with his bedroom light off. He had a brief moment of jealousy, but it didn't last long. Harry did spend the entire summer with Severus Snape after all.

He finished fairly quickly after that and went to sleep, only to have a very rude awakening the next day.

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