Chapter 2

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All noise was stopped as Snape stood to address the student body. The only noise was the loud banging of the double oak doors slamming on the walls behind them as Harry walked in. He stopped and made eye-contact with the one person who had kept in touch with him over the summer and helped him through his problems enough so he could pretend he was all right in front of others.

He walked up to the Headmaster and lowered his head in deep respect. He looked up when asked the question he had been waiting for.

"Mr. Potter, can I help you?" His lazy drawl was slightly strained, as if in anticipation. Which, Harry knew it was, but no one else knew that.

"I'd like to be resorted, Sir." His voice was quiet, yet he was certain that everyone in the hall could hear it. The silence was so deep in the next two seconds that it actually had a noise to it. Without preamble or words, Snape turned and picked up the Hat. He placed it on his head and the rest of the castle waited with bated breath.

"So, Mr. Potter. We meet again."

"Yeah, we do. So, I've put in some thought over the years, and I don't feel I belong in the House I was once in."

"Ah, dropped the act, have we? All right, what say you to the House I recommended all those years ago?"

"Sure. I think I'd like that a lot better than where I am now." He took a deep breath as the Hat yelled out the name of his new House.

"SLYTHERIN!" The entire Hall gasped and whispers, murmurs and shouts alike were thrown around and ignored as Harry walked to the appropriate table. He didn't care what they had to say, anyway. He sat down at the end of the table closest to the teachers where few ever sat. His eyes never left Snape's as he mouthed a thank you.

He knew him just barely enough to see his eyes soften the slightest bit.

"Calm down. Now. As Minerva has deemed herself ready to educate you still, she has decided that I am to take the place of Headmaster of this school along with my usual positions otherwise. No other changes have been made, and the rules still apply to each and every one of you. I expect you to all be respectful of the students who may be arriving within the next week or so as they have all lost loved ones and have needed to, if I may quote one parent, 'get our heads together and stop sniveling in front of others as that's not attractive at all.'" He sat down as food appeared. Harry only ate one bite before putting his fork down. Feeling Snape's steady gaze, he managed another few bites and then slightly shook his head at the plate.

He looked at the man and mouthed 'later' to him. He couldn't eat with this many people around him, he never really could.

After dinner, they were promptly kicked out of the dinning area. Harry stopped walking as he felt a hand on his shoulder and was led away to the private rooms of Severus Snape.

"Harry, you cannot simply sit there and not eat! I finally got you to eat a decent meal for a child of seven and you only ate a few bites tonight!"

"I know! I'm sorry. I can't eat with others around me like that, you know this."

"You can't sleep without someone you trust, but only one person, and I'm not sure how to solve that problem! You can't sleep in here." Harry hung his head and lowered his voice considerably.

"I know, Sev. I'm sorry." Severus walked to him and put his hands on his shoulders gently.

"I know it's hard for you. But you don't have to worry about anything anymore. I'm here for you, just as you were for me. So. Who would you feel most comfortable sharing a room with?" Harry looked up, surprised he was being given a choice to sleep with anyone at all.

"Draco, if he'll agree. He seems to be the only person who isn't enamored by my." Severus nodded and instructed him to make himself comfortable and not to leave the room as he swept out the door. He sat on the couch, right on the edge, but his shoulders weren't stiff either. They were hunched as Harry started reading the book on the coffee table.

"Harry, I'm back." The older man walked through the door with none other than Draco Malfoy. Harry stood, not sure what to do. "Sit. Both of you." They did and he sat next to Harry, putting his arm around his shoulders and pulling him to rest on him. Harry did so, pleased with the way that the regular occurrence at Spinner's End was still in effect here as well.

"Draco, I have a proposition for you. Harry only feels comfortable sleeping with one person he trusts and it cannot be me any longer. I know you don't want to be with the others in your dorm, and so I'll let you two move into your private rooms if you'll agree to it." Harry closed his eyes, just wanting to feel the rumble of his slow voice and not wanting to see Draco's reaction.

He was amazed that Draco said yes.

His eyes flew open, and he sat up. Did he really just hear Draco say he would do it? He had to, his ears never lied to him. Never. And judging by the was Sev was smirking, he didn't hear wrong. His day just started to perk up.

"So, your belongings will already be there then. Come, Harry." He stood and followed the other out the door and down a few winding corridors before they reached a portrait of an ocean with a sun setting. "Honeydew." The painting swung out and they walked in. "Goodnight boys. I will see you two in three days for class." They nodded and walked in, leaving the Headmaster in the hallway.

Harry walked in first, eyeing the dark colored walls. Each room was a different color, however they all matched as they were all dark colors with black accents. He loved that. He also loved the fact that there was a kitchen, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room, a library, a large office with two desks connected to the library, and a den. He loved it.

Draco was more cautious, and he took his time walking around the place. When he was done, he met up with Harry in the kitchen where Harry was making a small meal of pasta.

"I noticed you didn't eat much either. Would you like some?" Harry was please when Draco nodded and finished making it in record time. They ate in silence and then walked to the bedrooms.

"Uncle Sev said you had to sleep with someone." Harry nodded.

"You just have to be in a room close enough that if you hear something you can wake me up pretty quickly." Draco nodded.

"So, how about we share the bathroom connected to these two rooms and then you can pick which color you want?" He agreed and chose the royal purple over the navy blue. They both went their ways, and soon, both were sound asleep.

At three in the morning, Harry woke with Draco lightly shaking his shoulder and him screaming his throat raw. He wondered what questions he'd have to answer, and was surprised to find that Draco didn't ask questions. He thanked him and they went back to sleep, both knowing that the other was hiding major things from the other. Harry knew he'd have to come out with his entire story to Draco sooner or later, and Draco to him with his. He just didn't know when, and he was afraid it would be the next day.

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