Chapter 15

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The next several years went by with nothing too exciting. Harry had started to eat normal portions at every meal and was starting to get a healthy glow into his skin now. Mind you, he was still pale, just not sickly so. Draco had learned to get along with the muggle world (mainly due to Harry's obsession with their shopping centres-which Draco had to admit that he liked quite a bit) and Severus spent the better part of a day attempting to give the two of them the silent treatment for pulling a prank on him.

Somehow they had managed to attach glue to him and then sprayed feathers all over the glue so they'd stick. Not even magic could get them out easily-he had to make up his own cleaning spell to rid his person of the idiotic pieces of fluff. Draco and Harry had laughed the whole time.

Harry, upon learning that he had owned several estates and manors of his own, had convinced Draco to move into one with him, and he had. All of his properties were in disrepair, but he planned on fixing that soon enough. It took the two almost five months to fix one estate up, let alone the countless others that they planned on tackling.

So far they had gotten eleven done-and they worked nine hours a day, sometimes more.

After each house was cleaned out and redecorated to Harry's liking, they then obtained two house-elves per house to keep it in good shape (one female one male, in the hopes that they'd reproduce).

To this day, Draco has been known to walk into another room that needed more cleaning, only to find a small gift and a charm next to it for his bracelet. Those days they took for themselves.

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