Chapter 9

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Draco hadn't planned on Harry giving him such a long explanation. It was rather sudden and unexpected, especially since in all the time that Draco had known the boy he hadn't been one for long speeches. Rather, he was a man of very few words.

Which, in his opinion, was rather wise of him. It forced others around him to listen more. Draco had seen the differences between the people who never talked and the ones that could never shut up. Those that talked less were listened to much more than the ones who were constantly running their mouths. And him being the 'Savior' and everything, Draco knew that it was a good thing that Harry rarely spoke so much.

He hardly paid any attention to the food he was cooking. He was too preoccupied with the thoughts of Harry he had running through his mind.

He worried, it was true. The All-Mighty Draco Malfoy was worried about Harry Potter.

He worried mainly because he had noticed through their years at Hogwarts the guy had been progressively getting thinner and thinner. No one else had noticed, at least as far as he knew, but it was blatantly obvious to him. He started to notice in second year during their first match against one another. He had known he was thin, but he distinctly remembered him not being that thin in the robes shop before first year.

And that caused him to pay more attention than ever, if simply for curiosity's sake.

Draco had always been a curious boy, ever since he could remember. He always found something just so appealing about not knowing and then finding out about it through his own observations. Like memorizing where different places were or how to make something work. So the case with Harry Potter wasn't any different-or so he had thought.

He had noticed that not only had the boy been getting thinner, but he hadn't been getting very much sleep. His eyes slowly started losing what little light they had to begin with. His hair lost its luster. His skin, albeit tan, was almost sallow-looking. He looked sickly.

And what's more disturbing, Draco noticed that the more he saw, the less Harry's friends paid attention to him.

Just as he was finishing with breakfast, Harry came walking out in a pair of dark purple skinny jeans, black converse shoes, a black fishnet shirt and belts galore. Gloves adorned his hands as the choker on his neck. Draco nearly drooled as he applied his eyeliner perfectly without needing a mirror. He saw the other boy take a deep breath after he was finished, and as he exhaled his entire body relaxed as though putting on his makeup helped relax him more than anyone could imagine. And it probably did.

He set a plate down in front of him with slightly more than he'd seen the boy eat so far and waited patiently until Harry opened his eyes. When he did, Draco looked pointedly at the food in front of him and got to work on what was left.

"Please. I know you don't eat much, but please. For me? I only want to help you." Harry watched him closely and after a few seconds slowly started eating the small portion.

Draco had to leave under the rouse that he needed to use the loo to try and hide his pride that Harry had trusted him enough to start eating more than he usually did. It made him happy that he wanted to listen to Draco, even after all the years of hell he had put him through. He went back fairly quickly.

Harry had just gotten about halfway through his plate when he went to sip from a glass of orange juice when Draco started talking.

"To make up for all of the horrible things I've said and done to you, I want to take you somewhere after classes today." The juice ended up sprayed all over Draco's pajamas.

"Sorry! I didn't mean-" He was cut off as fits of hysteria slowly clawed their way through Draco's throat.

"!" His laughter died off fairly quickly.

"So...where do you want to go?"

"I am going to keep that a secret. And it'll seem foolish at first, but trust me. You'll feel absolutely wonderful afterwards."

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