Chapter 14

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He walked in and sat down on the couch, gaining control over his breathing again just as Draco walked through the corridor to the bathroom to the common room. Harry immediately felt his cheeks redden and took a mental note of it.

"Hey, were you with Severus?" He nodded and smiled as he looked down, letting his fringe hang in his eyes.

"You were obviously in the shower." He looked up, still keeping the black hair in his eyes and looked pointedly at the water dripping from Draco's hair. He blushed even more when he realized that he was in nothing but a towel, and a loose on at that. He made another mental note.

Eventually Draco left to change into some clothing and Harry grabbed a sheet of parchment and his invisible ink and started to make a list of reactions he had to the other man. It was quite long already.

Later that night they sat down to a quiet dinner in their rooms and settled for an evening in the common room doing whatever each one wanted to do. Draco was writing a Transfiguration essay that wasn't due for another two weeks and Harry was reading over his list and thinking about it like he would have been if he had been anyone else.

And, of course, the observation he made was that it sounded like it looked like he liked the other romantically.

He got up and went to bed without a word.

Falling asleep came easy for him that night and he welcomed the darkness with open arms.

When he woke up he was in warm arms and he snuggled closer to the warmth. It was about three in the morning, according to the clock on the wall, and he smiled. He liked Draco Malfoy and he didn't have a clue as to what to do.

The next few weeks he spent going to Severus and asking him for advice on what to do about it and the teacher had given him the best idea ever. A secret admirer!

The first gift he sent was a daisy, yellow in color, and everlasting. It had arrived and Draco hadn't known how to react. The next was a small purple and blue butterfly that was spelled with an everlasting charm as well. A small lily followed that, this one red. A miniature dragon followed suit. The last he gave him was a charm bracelet with one charm to represent each gift he had given him.

All of the gifts had come with only one thing written on a piece of parchment: 'Curtosy of your secret admirer'.

Draco had gone to Harry in search of advice when he started receiving all the gifts and had gotten no answer other than a smile and the suggestion that he talk to Severus. That old man hadn't been much help either, other than the fact that he should trust this person wasn't a weird creep.

All other information on this admirer was unobtainable and he was frustrated.

But he also felt all light and fluttery when he got another gift. Then again, he felt like that whenever Harry looked at him. He didn't know what to think.

The next week he sent an owl. On it was a parcel labeled to Draco and it landed on his shoulder. It was elegant and black with a few white feathers here and there.


You probably don't know who I am yet. So when you're done here, why don't you ask your roommate again? Maybe he'll be a little more open with you this time. Anyways, I decided to give you this owl. He's really good company and may seem unapproachable, but he's really quite social. At least with decent people.'

He found another charm in the box, this one an owl. He smiled and attached it before going in search of Harry.

He found him in his room reading a book with new glasses.

They were refined. More modern. Black rims that were no longer circular framed his eyes and no longer magnified his eyes to impossible proportions and a slight silver design was barely glinting in the subtle light on the arms of the glasses.

"Harry?" He looked up, indicating that he should continue. "Who's this admirer person? It's driving me insane." Harry stood up and walked over to him slowly, thoughtfully.

"It's me."

Harry stood there confidently awaiting Draco's response. He was prepared for rage, anger, surprise, disbelief, betrayal. Anything but what actually happened.

Draco kissed him.

He made a surprised sound in the back of his throat, but melted into the taller man's embrace nonetheless. It felt like home to him and the smell was absolutely intoxicating.

When they separated, Draco smirked.

"What do you say to finding a way to thank our dear old Severus?"

"What did you have in mind Draco?" Harry's voice held an edge of playfulness to it that made Draco never want to be on the receiving end of it.

"Well, it's along the lines of honey and feathers. Now, you told me about the movie where the kid made the bad guy walk through glue and sprayed him with feathers...Why don't you explain to me-in great detail, mind you-exactly how he did that?"

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