He was definitely the most infuriating boy alive. He seemed to just press all of my buttons down at once and not move. So what I was doing following Jughead into some arcade to find him was beyond me.
After the whole ordeal with Reggie was drawn out I had completely avoided him like the plague in school. It was a lot of drama I was not too keen on being dragged further into. If Reggie wants to continue being a dick and Sweet Pea wants to continue annoying me, I'll just ignore both of them. Simple as that.
Even though currently, it wasn't that simple. Jughead had needed to talk to the baboon who sat playing some weird game that I had no interest of paying attention to. "Jones. Princess?" He tilts his head past Jughead to catch a glimpse of me before continuously tapping the button make the large game make strange noises. Shrinking back I cross my arms. This place reeks of men. Aka either body sweat or too much Axe.
"Don't call me that." I repeat myself like a broken record as Jughead sighs rubbing at the back of his neck. "Why did you drag me here?" I was quick to turn on Jughead who looked shock before composing himself back to his normal state. "I need to talk to him, and he seems to care what you say." He points a slender finger at my face making me scoff.
"He doesn't give two shits what I say Jughead. Just ask him." She waves her manicured nails towards the preoccupied boy who looks over confused. Ignoring my hissy fit he turns back to his friend tucking his hands in his pockets. "She's right Jughead. I don't." Sweet Pea backs me up once he dies on his game. "Well tough shit because I brought her here anyway." The rave haired boy who usually had a calm demeanor about him explodes.
"Feisty. You should join our clique." I point out before laughing at my own joke. Rolling his eyes at me he begins droning on to Sweet Pea about not letting Southside High get shut down. Something about home and family but I couldn't be bothered to listen so I sit at an empty game, inserting a quarter, and pressing the start button. Some racing game pops up onto the screen making me grin.
My brother and I always played these types of games together before he moved out to go to college. Ignoring the two arguing I move the wheel around dodging cars in the road trying not to crash.
It takes a few minutes but I finally win the race throwing my hands up in the air as the machine dispenses tickets at my legs. Tickets were, of course to buy the huge stuffed animal that was hanging by the counter. Gripping the small tickets in my hand I walk up to the counter slapping them down.
"I want that one." I demand to the bored looking middle aged man setting behind the glass case as I point at the huge stuffed Dumbo. Rolling his eyes he puts my tickets into the jar and grabs the toy down handing it to me. "Oh and I want a Sprite." I say pulling out a dollar bill and sliding it across the table as he hands me the cool beverage.
Walking back to the boys who were in deep conversation I grin hoisting Dumbo up onto my waist and twisting the cap off of my soda. The sizzle makes them turn noticing my presence. "You got Dumbo?!" A boy I hadn't realized was there peaks his head around Sweet Pea looking shocked.
Nodding I point towards the racing game I had played, the soda still in my mouth. "I've been trying for weeks to get that." He complains kicking the side of the machine, his face looking genuinely hurt like a kicked puppy.
Feeling sorry for someone was a first for me. My heart aches slightly reminding me that I actually have one I can use. Looking down at it, I glance back up to see him slumped against a seat. Holding the huge toy out I offer it to him.
They other two watch me in shock as I hand over the toy to, the now, happy boy. "What? I have a heart." I snap at the two behind me sipping on my pop. "We know. I just didn't think you used it." Jughead grins at me making me roll my eyes back into my skull.

Queen Bee || Sweet Pea
FanfictionWhen Southside kids get shifted into Riverdale, young Aurora Green's whole life will get flipped upside down by one young Serpent.