We've Been Together For 15 Years.

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Gerard was a total gentleman.  He opened the door of the car for me and let me pick the music I wanted to play.  I noticed that us girls don't run into those types of guys anymore.  Walking down the street all I see are guys boxers because their pants are sagging too low.  I thought growing up in San Diego was bad enough.  Here in Jersey it is much much worse.  

We pulled up to this little cafe.  They had lights put up almost like christmas.  It kind of had that French feeling to it, you know if you went to France this would be the kind of place you would see there.  Gerard once again opened the door for me like he should.  We walked in to the front desk.  There was about 7 or 8 people sitting down having some coffee and on their laptops.  

"Hello. 2 for tonight?"  The hostess had some weird hairdo.  I mean it was in dreads, but it looked not clean.  Please I don't want her serving my food.

"Yup."  Gerard answered.  I would've usually said 'no 9 people they are just invisible.'

The lady grabbed us some little menus.  Gerard took my hand and laced his fingers into mine.  

"How long have you two been together?"  

"15 years."  I spoke up.  I nudged Gerard slightly, he looked down to me with a raised eyebrow.  I gave him the 'just go with it' look.

"Wow! Thats a long time.  Do you have any children?"  Why is this lady so freaking nosey?!

"Yes, we have 5 children."  I had a smirk on my face.  I was trying not to laugh so hard.  I was squeezing Gerard's hand.

"You look sexy for having that many kids."  Okay I just lost it. Oh yeah it's totally normal for a stranger of the opposite gender to call you sexy , when your obviously with a handsome young man. 

She finally sat us down outside on the patio under the christmas looking lights.  I was all smiles.  My bright white teeth were probably blinding Gerard.  Since I was little my mom had me have braces and whatnot, so you could say my smile was sort of perfect, like Taylor Lautners. 

All of a sudden Gerard bursts out into laughter.  It was like when you're laughing so hard that no sound really comes out… yeah thats what he was doing.  

"Honey we've been over this for 15 years don't act like a fool in public."  I joke.  

"Babe you are just so sexy for having 5 children."  He finally gets out. 

"Am not!"  Have I told you?  I don't agree with people when they call me pretty.  You have to get to know me THEN you can call me pretty.  

"Yes you are!  You have the most gorgeous green eyes.  You look like a fucking celebrity.  Why on earth would you ask ME out?"

Oh Gerard.  You don't know- oh oh you don't know your beautiful.  But really he is very handsome.  And I have to say Priscilla was right I don't think I can keep my hand off him any longer.

I shook my head.  "Have you looked in the mirror lately?"

"Yes thats the bad part."  He said looking a little sad.  

"To you it may be."  I looked into his hazel eyes.  "But to me its the best part."

Dinner ended quite fast.  Well it seemed like it was a short amount of time.  All night I was trying my best to flirt with Gerard.  I bet he thought it was funny because when it comes to flirting I suck.  He was doing an alright job at it though.  I've got to say the guys a charmer.  Oh and he's got the cutest giggle.  Its almost like a squeak, I couldn't stop making fun of it.

Since Gerard and I live in the same apartment complex, on the same floor, in the same hall it was quite easy.  He didn't have to drive me across the city.  

Hand in hand me and Gerard walked up to the 4th floor.  We slowly walked to my room.  I was nuzzled up to Gerard's arm because it was so cold outside.  

"Here we are.  217."  Gerard said and stopped in front of my door.  "This was one of the best night's I've had in a long time Alex.  Thank You."   

"Anytime.  I had a fun time too."  I'm so cheesy. 

Gerard pulled me closer by my hand.  I knew what was coming.  I was hoping he would have the guts to kiss me first, because who knows what it would've turned out like if I had.  

He looked straight into my eyes.  I could feel his breath on my face.  I closed my eyes and hoped for the best.  Our lips touched ever so slightly.  Gerard then put pressure, but not too much.  I out my other hand on his shoulder while he wrapped his around my waist.  He gently pulled away.

"Goodnight Alex."

"Goodnight."  Gerard then let go of my hand and walked to his room.  

I walked into my room and fell on the floor.  "Fuck...that was good"

Well thanks to the like 8 or so people who have read this.  I was hoping their would be more reads… but. um yeah no.  WELL THEN.  Sorreh that i did not update for a while. I just started school *falls on the floor and starts salivating*  Well I hope you enjoy, I just make it up as I go along. I don't really know how it's gonna end. BYE  signing off for now -ALEXX

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