Chapter 1

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"Are you awake?" Subject 2 asked facing the wall

"Yeah, just thinking about stuff," Subject 4 said

"Like what?" Subject 2 asked with her soft British accent

"Lida, when she tells us about what it's like outside. Flowers and the beaches. One day when we leave we should look. I might go crazy being here," Subject 4 said with her American accent

"Yeah, I want to hear music too. Maybe I have a mom and dad and you too," Subject 2 said

"Yeah, and we c-can have those sleepovers Lida talks about. And a place called mall," Subject 4 said

"Subject 4?" Subject 2 asked

"Yeah," Subject 4 answered as both turned to their sides

"I hope that one day they won't separate us. I don't know what I'll do without you. You're my only friend and I consider you my sister," Subject 2 said with tears

"I feel the same way. Don't worry we'll always find each other. One day when we leave, we'll look for our family and if we can't then we got each other. I mean we know each other since newborns," Subject 4 said with tears

Suddenly there was loud ringing sound causing both to moved away from the wall holding their ears. The door of each of their room busted open and doctors wearing white coats came in and dragged them out. Then strapped each on the chair wheeling them out into a room. Subject 4 spring like curly hair messy.

They were placed in a room filled with screens and doctors. They placed sticky's around the subjects heads and attached it to a machine. Then they left and watched from behind the screen.

"Now we noticed their communication similarities from the subjects. Subject 2 hybrid vampire Lycan. The other is hybrid Lycan but some of her skin samples are different from subject 2," Jacob said to the scientists

"Why isn't there any blood sample from subject four?" One scientist asked

"Her skin is a bit difficult to penetrate.We can only manage to draw very little so we took skin samples," Lida said

"Tomorrow afternoon we will get rid of subject two and her mother and father wouldn't know she even exist next door," Jacob said and suddenly the screen made loud beeping noises.

They rushed to the observing window and noticed subject four hollering in tear staring at Subject two and noticed her lips moving. And soon she had tears and worry on her face. Lida has worry on her face and was going to enter when Jacob stopped her.

"Now as you can see their brain activity is currently corresponding to each other. We don't know why but they seem to understand one another. This has been going on since birth which is why we kept them next to each other," Jacob said and face the window again

Subject 2 face panicked and began shuffling quickly and did Subject 4 and quickly the bonds broke and Subject 4 tore off the headpiece and subject 2 turned into her hybrid form. Jacob presses the button and smoke filled the room causing the two girls to have a coughing fit. Then both collapsed on the ground still holding each other.

"Look at them. Disgusting little things," Jacob said

"They are girls. We can try something different tomorrow. I might have an idea of what to do," Lida said as they took both girls back to their rooms.

Two hours

Subject two woke up and heard Subject four fumbling around in the room next door.

"Are you okay Subject four?" Subject two ask worried

"I see shapes that's not in here . It seems so clear as if I'm out there. How long have we've been out?" Subject four asked

"Two hours at most, why?" Subject two asked

Can you hear me? Subject four asked through telepath

Yeah clear

We need to leave now. I can cause a distraction and when they open my door I'll escape and open yours.

Are you sure what if we get caught?

We can out run them I have full faith we can


Subject four sat down taking calm breath carefully listening to the area which is cleared out. Knowing. There are camera's watching her but it didn't stop her. Calmly she got up and swung her bed hitting the glass mirror. Subject two in the other room however, stared up and noticed red lights and slowly walked up to the section of the wall. Next thing she hears gun shots and it was silent until her door swung open revealing Subject four.

"Wait a second!" Subject two shouted as they ran

"Give me ten seconds," Subject two said running into a room while Subject peaked and noticed she pressed a button defrosting the vampire inside. Subject two then grabbed her friend and both ran through doors. Suddenly there was a sound of gunshots and the guards aiming at them. Quickly both changed in their form.

Subject two jumped on one guard bashing his head against the wall covering he in blood and when she turned around three of the guards were down.

"Stop them!" Jacob shouted

Subject two grabbed subject four and they ran full speed until they reach a back door. It was raining out but they kept running ignoring the shouting and the car speeding.

"Where do we go?!" Subject two shouted

"Anywhere but here!" Subject four shouted back and they ran past a group of people in the busy city at night. The group of people in the area began screaming and suddenly Lycans began to growl and attack the people.

And the two subjects held their hands together afraid of letting go. Next thing they know they are hiding next to a dumpster in an alley. The coast was clear and both gave a sigh of relief.

"Water is falling from the sky," Subject two said with her soft British accent in amusement

"Rain, I heard from a doctor," Subject four said opening her palms seeing the rain fall.

"Where do we go?" Subject two asked genuinely thinking

"I don't know but we need to keep moving before they catch us," Subject four said noticing a flash light. Then they disappeared past the alley.

Meanwhile back at the back Antigen 

Selene broke out of her containment. There she noticed dead nurses on the grown. She began breaking small glass taking her clothing out and changing. The metal covers began going down covering doors except for the window. She stared up and disappeared crashing through the ceiling. She threw the scientist to the other side and grabbed the other by the chest.

"Where's Michael?!" Selene yelled at him and the scientist case and stabbed her neck causing her to let go.

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