Chapter 23

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Melody pov

I felt like I was sinking. I need to move my body but first I opened my eyes. Then it hit me. I'm under water. I looked up, was that ice? I moved my body trying to swim up but it was ice.

I moved up swimming hoping to look for an opening. My body felt weak and heavy and I felt myself sink down. I looked up again and I see a face.

"Dad," I said as bubbles escaped my mouth. I saw him crouch down pouncing the ice until it burst. He jumped in and swam full speed towards me. He looked me and I gave a faint smile and held me and swam up back to the surface. For the first time I let out a fresh breath. I felt someone carry me out the water.

I felt an embrace and more people around me hugging. I was still shivering and I think they noticed.

"Thank god. I'm never letting you go," David said

"C-cold," I said shivering

"Her body temperature is correcting itself," Lena said

David carried me until we got inside and I was put in a room. Lena and the healers helped me change and I got tired and laid down.

"You need rest. Wake when you are ready," Lena said and left out the door

I felt the warm sheet and laid sound claiming the warm and my sleep.

No ones pov

"She's resting. No one must disturb her. At the moment just be patient," Lena said

Marius walked away with David. They were in the library and went through books.

"What's going on here?" Vlad asked walking in with Lucian and Michael.

"The knife. The poison that was used," David said

Vlad stepped closer and studied the knife. The handle was familiar.

"This material is in Ireland. I remember going there a few times and it helps preserve the liquid inside," Vlad said

"The poison. Here it says it's meant to weaken a lycan with silver but it's a mix," Marius said

Meanwhile, Eve wonder the coven anxious for her friend. Her blood sister that she grew with.

Eve pov

My mum had my brother with her in the weapon room. My father was somewhere around. I walked down the hall and I see a girl with fur dress shirt and knitted leggings. She turned around and it Melody.

"Eve!" She shouted and threw her arms around me

"Melody, it's really you," I said hugging her back tight

"I missed you so much," She muffles and then she stepped back.

Her hair grew past her shoulders and she seemed to slim down a bit but still had hips. More mature. We walked around for a bit and I told her all about Luis.

"He's seems nice," Melody said

"Yeah," I said with a blush

"You love him," Melody sang

"Mel," I whined

My mom and father appeared with my baby brother.

"Glad your awake. Eve it's time to go home," Michael said smiling

"Get home safely," I said walking them out and watched them leave.

I walked around some more bumped into my uncle Lucian. I hugged him tightly.

"You alright?" Lucian asked staring in my eyes

"Yeah," I nodded but I can tell he didn't by it but nodded understanding.

"I found Sonja. I've been talking to her for a while now. You were right, my second shot at love," Lucian said

"Then go to her Uncle. Your purpose is love. Be happy," I said sincere

He nodded and gave me another hug. Then he went out the door and left. I'm happy that people leaving are going to their happy endings.
Next it was night time, time is flying and I saw my grandpa and grandma and I fly on them hugging.

"You're awake. Look at you, you look different," Vlad said smiling and cupping her face

"Hmmm, different indeed. We must be going. We have to look into the poison and make sure it's not out," Grandma said walking towards the door

"Hopefully your uncle didn't destroy the castle by then," Vlad said jokingly but concern and left.

I continued to go up the stairs and man this place is huge for no reason. Then I heard voices.

" What if she doesn't wake up?"

"Ella have faith she will,"

I stepped out in view but they didn't noticed and I saw them kiss. I fake puked but hey parents right?

"Um hi," I said awkward and quickly they turned around and attacked me in a hug.

"Thank you god," Ella said hugging me tight

"I told you I will bring her back. Ella please give me a chance to prove myself," Marius said pleading

"It's going to take a while. I'm willing to move back to the castle," Ella said I grabbed her hand

"The castle wouldn't be so cold anymore. I'm staying back with David for a bit. A few days and I'll go back home," I said

"But what about you? How will I know you're going to be okay?" Ella said

"Mom you have to trust me," I said smiling

"I believe you and David need time together. For now me and your mum needs to discuss what's going to happen," Marius said and gave a kiss on my head and mom kissed my cheek and both of them left home.

I closed my eyes relaxing searching for David. I saw him outside sitting looking up at the moon through my senses. I took a deep breath. I carefully went outside until I was sneaked up behind him.

I wrapped my arms around and my face close to his neck inhaling his scent. Cologne but there a scent of the woods.

"What a handsome guy such as yourself out here alone on a night like this?" I tried to say flirty smirking

"Waiting for the love my life," David said catching me off guard and I was in in the air for a brief second and next thing I know my legs wrapped around him he kissed me.

He smiling holding me. He dashed quickly to his room and I sat down on his bed.

"Stay right there," David said walking away and came back with a sketch book and pencil.

"You're going to draw me?" I questioned

"Yes, it's going to take a few minutes maybe thirty. I'm a quick drawer so hold still," David said and sat down and got to work.

Mom how old am I?



"You okay?" David asked

"Yeah just wanted to know how old I was since no one mentioned it to me," I said

"Well I'm not that old from you like three years," David said

"I'm 19," I said with a smile

"I'm 23, just turned actually last month," David said focusing on the paper

"What! Why oh goodness and I didn't know," I pouted

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