The Last Stand

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Spartans never die. They're just missing in action…


Aszod ship-breaking yards, Eposz, Reach

August 30, 2552 20:00 Hours

(No ones POV)

Two Banshees zoom past as the Spartan III, Noble Six, is standing alone on a raised platform, stranded on Reach. Phantoms start to approach the Spartan's position, and Six gets ready for the final battle.

Waves of Covenant troops, including Sangheili, Unggoy, and eventually Wraiths attack the lone Noble Six. Aircraft from above, while initially ignoring the Spartan, also begin to fire on the player's position.

Noble Six holds out for as long as possible. As more damage is taken, cracks begin to appear in the Spartan's visor. Noble Six is under heavy fire and hurt. The Spartan's Assault Rifle is lying on the ground. The SPARTAN pulls off the damaged helmet, tosses it aside, and picks up the weapon.

You finally make the final stand against the Covenant. A Sangheili Ultra charges at the Spartan, firing a plasma rifle. Noble Six kills it with the assault rifle. A Sangheili General attacks from behind with an energy sword. Noble Six knocks it to the ground and kills it with a pistol. Six is hit by a barrage of plasma fire from another Sangheili Ultra. The Spartan is wounded, bleeding, but manages to stay standing. Holding the Assault Rifle at the hip in the right hand and the pistol in the left, SPARTAN-B312 continues firing, killing a Sangheili Minor and Major before another Ultra knocks Six to the ground.

A Sangheili Zealot appears with an energy sword and prepares to kill the downed Noble Six. The Spartan kicks the Ultra away and knocks the energy sword out of the Zealot's hand. The Ultra pounces on Noble Six again. Noble Six manages to elbow the Ultra in the jaw. The Zealot draws his energy dagger, and finally stabs Six, supposedly killing him. The foot of a Specops Sangheili steps into the view of the helmet, and the tips of an Energy Sword appear.

(Your POV)

You watch as the end comes near as you have been thought to have been bleeding out. As you watch the Elites run back to their ships you begin to crawl...

(Time skip)

After finding an old med kit and fixing your wounds you notice an odd machine as you crawl in the base you found. The machine had the words PORTAL TRANSPORTER written on the side of it as you walk to the terminals nearby you take a new helmet and an AI with it, named Ariel, you slip the helmet on as you turn on the Portal Transporter as you pray for it to work as you press the button to activate it as... Nothing happens, you then try again as nothing happens you do this 3 more times only to notice the goddamn thing wasn't plugged in you sighed as Ariel spoke to you.

Ariel: Now (Y/N) even though I don't know you that well but may I ask what the fuck do you plan on doing with that!?

You: Ariel, what I plan on doing with this is that I'm hoping that it will take us to Earth.

Ariel: Oh... Well this is gonna be fun if it doesn't take us there for all we know it might take us to another dimension!

You: Oh hell, your worse than Emile!

You press the button as you hear...

Whirr Whirr Whirr pheee shwroom!!!

As the portal opening machine opened the portal you took one last look at every thing as you prayed to whomever made you to let this be right as you ran into the portal...

(A/N) If you guys can't tell I love these kind of stories!

The Spartan of Remnant (Noble Six (male reader x RWBY))Where stories live. Discover now