Burning the Candle/Dance Dance Infiltration

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(A/N) This chapter will not be like the one from the episodes. Instead of Six and Maz being at the dance they will be on Guard duty along with Rose and Jimmy. for the CCT tower and near it. At the end of the chapter when Ruby runs to the Tower then Maz, Six, and Ruby will confront the Masked Cinder Fall.

Six arrives at the Medical Facility as he sees Rose and Jimmy in the rooms as a Nurse walks up to him.

Nurse: I'm guessing your here to see them.

she gestures to the two rooms.

You: yes, how are they.

Nurse: they are fine other than a few bruises and cuts. Nothing major.

Ozpin walks up to you.

Ozpin: Do you know them?

You: Yes, back where I trained at these two, along with another, were on my team. We were some of the best.

Ozpin: Who are they?

You: the female is referred to as Rose, she is the most interesting out of the group. she had amnesia, had hair like Ruby's and was our best sniper. The other one is Jimmy he was our explosives expert in the group. 

You began to hear muffled groans coming from behind the Door that led to Rose's room. You opened the door to see Rose get up holding her head.

Rose: God, I feel like I was hit by a Warthog.

You: Good to see your up.

Rose quickly spun around as she saw you.

Rose: Y-Y/N!

you smiled at her as she looked shocked.

Rose: What happened?

You: You and Jimmy crashed.

Rose: Oh. . . Where are we anyway?

You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly as you looked at her.

You: I will tell you when Jimmy wakes up I don't want to have to explain this twice.

Rose nodded as she now noticed her armor was gone.

Rose: Where's my armor!?

You: Well ya see. . . It got messed up.

Rose deadpanned.

Rose: did you blow it up again?

You: no. It got ruined in the crash, along with your weapons. I brought back as many as I could.

Suddenly the door from Jimmy's room opened up.

Jimmy: Where the fuck is my Armor!?

You ran over to Jimmy and explained the same thing to him as you did Rose...


After explaining where they where and what Remnant was and about the oddities of what has happened so far including you teaming up with an Elite they looked at you stunned.

Rose: I. . . feel like I have heard this before about the Aura, Faunas, Semblances, Dust, and Grimm.

You: Do you...

Rose cut you off and had a look of confusion.

Rose: yes I feel like I have been here before too.

You: Give me a second. .  .

You activated your Aura sensor as you looked at the two of them as Rose's body glowed red as a bar popped up on your HUD showing her Aura as it showed a lock beside Jimmy's name.

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