Stirring the Nest (Short)

396 10 3

5:30 AM


Six heard his scroll alert him as he checked the notification list as he noticed a message.

Ariel: We have a BIG Issue!

He woke up the others as he explained that Ariel found something as it began to set the team on edge. He quickly turned on Ariel's Holo-Projector as she appeared with a frantic and somewhat scared look on her face.

Ariel: Guys, I was bored last night and decided to check the Covenant battlenet and it was Active.

Maz: How? There shouldn't be any way it could've activated since the main battlenet is mainly used for ships and commanders of large units.

Ariel: Well it is and there was mention of some elite named Xesan 'Chafum. They talked as if they are preparing for a war. It seems like Xesan is there leader for whatever they're preparing.

Jimmy: That's... troubling.

Ariel: Y/N you were right about letting me enter the CCT security system. Someone released malaware into the school, and it seems like whoever made this hack got around the Atleasian Security easily and this virus seems to latch itself onto devices and steal information. I haven't found out who it is yet since the scroll that it is tied to is an interesting case alone since it doesn't match any of the previous models and has a advanced version of the current versions OS. I injected my own Virus that is working to try and scramble the coding so it can't gather anymore data.

Rose: So it is a completely different scroll system and model... Interesting.

Maz: Should we tell the general?

Y/N: No, we will most likely get in as much trouble as the actual hackers here for messing with military tech. Let's go and get ready for training, today's exercise will be on our semblances.

(A/N) As you can tell there will be in store for Team SHDW and a possible return of the covenant. The OC for Xesan is by GraphaGodOfSaiyans3 he is a cool dude go check him out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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