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"Can I get two tickets for Avengers: Endgame" Soobin politely asks the cashier "yes. It'll be 7.50" she tells him before pressing some buttons and the tickets come out of the top of the machine. "Enjoy the movie" she tells the both of you as the two of you only smile before walking to the entrance separating the theaters from the concession stand. You hand the woman standing at the entrance your tickets before she splits them down the middle and hands the both of you back one half.

"Your movie will be playing in theater 3" she tells the both of you before you letting you in. The both of you then go in to a basically empty since it's early and people usually go to the movies later. "Wow we basically have a whole theatre to ourselves" Soobin says smiling as he looks back at you and you laugh to make him think you're fine but you're really trying to calm down. The movie then begins and the both of you pay close attention.

As the movie is about 2 hours in you feel eyes on you causing you to look over at Soobin who quickly looks away focusing back on the movie. You don't question him about it you only giggle to yourself.

"I am... Iron Man" Tony Stark says snapping his fingers reversing the effects of Infinity War and dying a hero as well. Your bottom lip then begins to quiver and you burst into tears you've always been the type to get emotionally attached to characters. "Y/n are you crying?" Soobin asks trying to look at your face "no" you say quickly wiping tears away but more fall once you look back at the screen to see Peter crying over the death of his mentor. "Yes" You tell Soobin before you hear him slightly chuckle before hugging you.

Soon the entire movie is over including the credit scenes. You take out your phone looking at the time and it's 6pm. "Soobin-ah it's only 6pm, what else do you want to do?" You ask him "wanna go to the mall?" He ask "that sounds fun let's go" You tell him before the both of you leave the cinema getting in his car and heading to a near by mall. The both of you arrive at the mall finding a parking spot.

You get out of the car and walk around to the driver side where Soobin is getting out. "Let's go to Victoria Secret" you say happily "y/n I told you I wasn't going back in there because of what happened last time" he tells you as he walks towards the entrance of the mall. "Oh c'mon I won't make you try on bras this time" you say following behind him as you laugh. "You told me you'd never mention it again" he says through gritted teeth.

"Okay, I'm sorry" you tell him before skipping until your beside him. He looks at you with a look on his face that he's never looked at you with before it sorta looked like adoration if that's even a word. You only stared at him studying his expression before he snaps out of his thoughts and put his focus back on the mall not saying a word to you about what just happened.

What was that? It reminded me of a familiar expression but where have I seen it before?

~Soobins POV~
I began to walk towards the mall with Y/n behind me who's currently trying to get me to go to Victoria Secret with her but I will not go back after what happened last time. I hear her quicken her pace behind me. I stop then look over to seeing her beside me looking up at me. She's absolutely beautiful I just take a moment to admire her features.

Y/n why won't you just love me back?

I then notice she's trying to figure out my facial expression and I snap out of my thoughts and continue towards the entrance of the mall not saying a word.

~End POV~

"Lets go to hot topic" Soobin says as the two of you enter the mall "okay" you tell him before you walk to the store which isn't too far from where the both of you are. You enter the small store and go right over to the Marvel things looking around for some things to purchase. You look at Soobin who's walking over to you with a pink bunny plushie with the name "Cooky" and you can't help but smile at how adorable he is. "I'm buying this" he smiles "for yourself?" You ask giggling

"no for Jungkook" he tells you making you burst uwu's on the inside at how much of a good brother he is and how he'd be the perfect dad. "You're such a caring brother" you tell him before putting down the things you have in your hand and take your credit card from your phone case "I'll pay for it" you say taking the plushie and paying before he can say anything about how it's okay and what not. The cashier bags the item before handing it to you and you hand it to him as the both of you leave the store and shop for about 2 more hours.

You look at your phone and it's almost 9pm. "It's getting late Soobin-ah we should get going" You tell him taking some of the bags from him since he looks drained. "Yeah you're right" he sighs before you both leave the mall heading back to his car as he takes you home. He parks his car in his yard and you get out grabbing your bags walking next door to your house. "Good night Soobin-ah!" You says as you make your across your yard "good night!" He yells back.

You take out your house key and unlock your front door to see your mom and Yeonjun in the kitchen talking and eating fruits they look at you as you walk in. You sit your bags at the front door and walk over to them "hey mom, hey Jun" you say somewhat tired. "Hi. Where did you and that best friend of yours go today?" She asks looking at your bags "the mall" you tell her "y/n I enrolled you into a public school" she blurts out. Your eyes widen as the room becomes silent and you look back and forth between her and Yeonjun.

 Your eyes widen as the room becomes silent and you look back and forth between her and Yeonjun

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"We're just best friends" | Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now