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You wake up the next day to sound of your phone ringing. You groan out of anger at the fact someone is calling you so early. You grab your phone from your bedside table looking at the caller ID. "Crap it's Mrs. Choi" you say jumping up now fully awake you clear your throat before answering "hello" you answer. "Hey y/n I hope I didn't wake you" she says "no I was already awake" you say trying your best to sound alive.

"I have to leave earlier than I thought I would so could you come over in about 10 minutes?" She asks "sure thing see you in 10" you say before hanging up the phone. You quickly run to the bathroom to go take a shower you get out and just throw on a hoodie and jeans since your only going next door. You put on socks then slides and grab your phone before going to the kitchen where you see your mom filling out some papers.

"Hi mom" you say "hi" she says looking up at you with a smile. You walk behind the counter hugging her "where are you heading off to?" She asks looking at what you're wearing. "I'm going to over Mrs. Choi" you say "really? You're speaking to Soobin again?" She ask her eyes now widened. "No." You roll your eyes. "I'm going to watch Jungkook for a few hours" you say happily. She looks at you up and down before saying anything "hm.. okay" she says before going back to her paperwork.

"What's that's suppose to mean?" You ask now curious about what that means "it means nothing now go before you're late" she says shooing you away. You then look at your phone and realize the time making you quickly leave running next door. You knock at the door and in less than 5 seconds the door swings open to which you see Mrs. Choi with Jungkook on her hip. "Come in" she says stepping out of the way for you to come in.

"Okay um I should be back by 11:00, Jungkook bedtime is at 8:00, and help yourself to anything in the refrigerator or pantry" she smiles. She hands you Jungkook and he willingly hops into your arms kissing your cheek. "Aww y/n he loves you" Mrs. Choi says adoring the moment. You only smile before hugging Jungkook "okay I'll be heading out now" she says before walking to the kitchen grabbing her keys then heading out closing the door behind her.

You then place Jungkook on the floor and he looks up at you with his bunny smile. "Are you hungry?" You ask him kneeling to his level he then nods and you get up going to the kitchen looking through the cabinets for something he'll eat. You find nothing in the cabinet that you think he'll eat so you move on the the refrigerator where you see a bowl full of cut up fruits and Jungkooks name on it.

You take them out of the refrigerator and walk to the living room placing the bowl on the table. "Come over here Kook" you say before hearing his little feet rush the opposite direction down the hall. "Hyung!!" You hear him shout making you quickly turn around seeing Soobin making his way down the hall. "Hey Kook" he says picking him up before looking over to the couch making eye contact with you. You then roll your eyes before turning around.

"What are you doing here y/n?" Soobin asks walking towards you with Jungkook in his arms. You stand up before speaking "I'm babysitting Kook" you say plainly before looking at Kook with a smile ruffling his hair. "Oh.. I'm taking him to the amusement park later" Soobin says "does Mrs. Choi know?" You ask folding your arms across your chest. "No. But she wouldn't mind" he says "fine then" you say plainly. Silence then quickly takes over considering neither of you said anything after that.

"Y/n.. would you like to come with?" Soobin asks breaking the awkward silence. You scoff to yourself before answering "why do you want me to go? Why not just take Mia?" You ask with the slightest bit of jealously in your tone. Soobin notices the tone and raises his eyebrows before chuckling "Are you jealous?" He asks with a grin on his face. "No.. why would I be jealous?" You ask rolling your eyes. "I don't know, maybe because you-" he begins before cutting his self off making you interested in what he was going to say.

"Because I what?" You ask in a somewhat scolding tone "forget about it do you want to go or not?" He ask placing before Kook on the floor. "Pft.. no-" you say before feeling a slight tug at your pants leg. You look down seeing Jungkook with doe eyes and a smile making you feel all soft causing you to change your mind.  "Actually I will go just because I want to see Kook have fun" you say ruffling his hair with a smile. "Great.. we're gonna have fun all 3 of us" Soobin smiles before walking towards the front door.

"Where are you going? The park isn't open yet" you ask. "I have a couple of things to do, don't worry I'll be back later" he tells you with a big smile making you feel butterflies in your stomach yet you keep yourself together showing no emotion. "Unless of course you want to come with" he suggest pointing towards the door "I have to watch Kook" you tell him "just bring him" he says before heading out the front door.

You pick up Jungkook heading out the front door closing it behind you. You walk over to Soobins car putting Jungkook in the backseat strapping him the seatbelt. "Safety first" you say before ruffling his hair before closing the door. You get in the front shutting the door not saying anything to Soobin only waiting for him to pull off. "What are you waiting for?" You ask looking over at him he then leans over to you making your eyes widen and freeze from shock.


You shut your eyes tightly until you hear your seat belt snap making you open your eyes only to see Soobin inches away from your face. "Safety first" he tells you in a cute tone before pulling off. "Aish.." you say under your breath relieved he didn't kiss you but another part of you wasn't too much happy about that.

"We're just best friends" | Choi SoobinWhere stories live. Discover now